“The pre-colonial communities in East Africa lived interdependently”. Discuss.

02/19/2025 0

In pre-colonial East Africa, the communities lived in a complex web of interdependence, which was essential for their survival, prosperity, and cultural development. Examples to ... Read More

“Pre-colonial communities were socially and economically independent.” Discuss

02/19/2025 0

While it is true that many pre-colonial communities in East Africa demonstrated a high degree of social and economic autonomy, it is also important to ... Read More

Compare and contrast the cultural patterns between the agriculturist and pastoral communities during pre-colonial period.

02/19/2025 0

In pre-colonial East Africa, the societies that were primarily engaged in agriculture includes Baganda in central Uganda, Kikuyu, Kamba, Meru in Kenya; and Chagga and ... Read More

Describe the relationship of Buganda and her neighbours by 1880.

02/19/2025 0

Buganda is a region located in the central part of Uganda. It is one of the country's oldest and most influential kingdoms, with its capital ... Read More

Discuss the relationship between the Karamojong and their neighbors during Early 19th century

02/19/2025 0

The Karamojong, a Nilotic ethnic group in Uganda are primarily located in the northeastern part of Uganda, in an area known as Karamoja. This region ... Read More

Explain how a thermocouple is used to measure temperature on a Celsius scale.

02/18/2025 0

  (ii) State two advantages of a thermocouple. (01mark) Used to measure rapidly changing temperature It can give direct readings It is not bulky It ... Read More

Describe Electrical method of determining the specific heat capacity of a good conducting solid. 

02/18/2025 0

Two holes are drilled into the specimen solid of mass m. A thermometer is inserted in one of the holes and an electric heater into ... Read More

Advantages of the constant volume gas thermometer over the mercury in glass thermometer

02/18/2025 0

. it has a wide range very accurate very sensitive Please obtain free notes, exams and marking guides of Physics, chemistry, biology, history, from digitalteachers.co.ug ... Read More

Explain why triple point of water is taken as a standard in modern thermometry instead of ice and steam points. 

02/18/2025 0

It is constant, reproducible and not affected by pressure variations and impurities in water. Please obtain free notes, exams and marking guides of Physics, chemistry, ... Read More

What is Absolute zero temperature?

02/18/2025 0

It is the minimum temperature on thermodynamic scale i.e. 0K. Please obtain free notes, exams and marking guides of Physics, chemistry, biology, history, from digitalteachers.co.ug ... Read More

State three properties of radiant energy.

02/18/2025 0

produce ionization and florescence affect photographic plates produces photoelectric effect promotes chemical reaction can be reflected and refracted. Please obtain free notes, exams and marking ... Read More

Define temperature gradient 

02/18/2025 0

A temperature gradient refers to the rate of change in temperature with respect to distance. Please obtain free notes, exams and marking guides of Physics, ... Read More

Explain the effect of pressure on boiling point of liquid and melting point of ice

02/18/2025 0

(i)  Effect of pressure on boiling point of a liquid. When the liquid boils its saturated vapour pressure = external pressure and saturated vapour pressure ... Read More

Sketch a P-V curve for adiabatic and isothermal expansion

02/18/2025 0

Please obtain free notes, exams and marking guides of Physics, chemistry, biology, history, from digitalteachers.co.ug website. Thanks Dr. Bbosa Science Read More

Explain why air coming out of a valve of a ball feels cold.

02/18/2025 0

This is due rapid (adiabatic) expansion accompanied with a decrease in temperature which causes a cold sensation. Please obtain free notes, exams and marking guides ... Read More

State the conditions necessary to achieve by isothermal and adiabatic processes in a gas

02/18/2025 0

Isothermal process occurs at constant temperature and therefore the gas must be enclosed in thin-walled container of good thermal conductivity placed in a large heat ... Read More

How did traditional African education prepare youth to participate in the social economic activities of their societies during the 19th century

02/18/2025 0

Africa before the arrival of Islam and Christianity. This system was deeply rooted in the cultural, social, and economic life of African communities. Traditional African ... Read More

Describe the characteristics and role played by traditional African religion during the colonial period.

02/18/2025 0

In African Traditional religion, African believed in a supreme creator or god who was responsible for the creation of the world and everything in it. ... Read More

Explain the significance of African Traditional religion on the socio-economic organization of pre-colonial societies.

02/18/2025 0

In African Traditional religion, African believed in a supreme creator or god who was responsible for the creation of the world and everything in it. ... Read More

Explain the significance of the Age sets system on the social economic organization of any one African societies in Africa

02/18/2025 0

Age sets were groups of individuals, usually males, who were initiated into adulthood together and moved through various stages of life as a cohort. These ... Read More

Explain the significance of the African traditional education on the social economic organization of any one African societies in Africa

02/18/2025 0

  African traditional education refers to the indigenous educational system that existed in Africa before the arrival of Islam and Christianity. This system was deeply ... Read More

Explain the significance of the clan on the social economic organization of any one African societies in Africa

02/18/2025 0

 Clan in East African communities consisted of extended family members who traced their lineage to a common ancestor, usually patrilineal though some societies like Kikuyu ... Read More

Explain the significance of the family on the social economic organization of any one African societies in Africa

02/18/2025 0

In East African societies, the family was the fundamental social unit and played a crucial role in the community. Depending on any selected society, the ... Read More

Describe the socio-economic organization of Basoga during the early 19th century.

02/18/2025 0

The Basoga, also known as the Soga, are a Bantu ethnic group native to the kingdom of Busoga in eastern Uganda. The Basoga trace their ... Read More

Explain why the intensity of solar radiation on top of earth’s atmosphere is higher than that on the earth’s surface. 

02/17/2025 2

Portion of the radiation is absorbed by clouds, ozone layer and other atmospheric particle before reaching earth’s surface Portion of the radiation is reflected by ... Read More

Explain why the experiment to determine the thermal conductivity of a metal, the specimen is made thin and long. 

02/17/2025 0

Gradient Establishment: A thin and long specimen ensures a well-defined temperature gradient along its length. This is crucial because thermal conductivity is measured based on ... Read More

Define thermal conductivity and state its units.

02/17/2025 0

Thermal conductivity s the rate of heat flow per unit cross section area per unit temperature gradient Units: Wm-1K-1 Please obtain free notes, exams and ... Read More

Radiation of heat

02/17/2025 0

Radiation is a means of heat transfer through a vacuum or that does not involve a medium. Please obtain free notes, exams and marking guides ... Read More

Convection of heat transfer

02/17/2025 0

Convection is a process of heat transfer in fluids from a region of high temperature to a region of low temperature, due to movement of ... Read More

Explain how the atmosphere surrounding the earth prevents it from becoming unbearably cold. 

02/17/2025 0

atmosphere contain greenhouse gases and clouds that trap heat from the sun keeping the earth warm atmospheric gases act as insulators reducing temperature fluctuations circulation ... Read More

Explain how a gas in a vessel exerts pressure.

02/17/2025 0

A gas in a vessel exerts pressure due to the constant motion and collisions of its molecules with the walls of the container.  Each molecule ... Read More

What is supercooled vapor?

02/17/2025 0

Supercooled vapor refers to a gaseous state that remains at a temperature below its usual condensation point but doesn't condense into a liquid. Please obtain ... Read More

What is Super-heated water?

02/17/2025 0

Superheated water is liquid water under pressure at temperatures between the usual boiling point, 100 °C and the critical temperature, 374 °C. Please obtain free notes, exams and marking ... Read More

Why a black body at 1000K is red hot whereas it is white hot at 2000K.

02/17/2025 0

Red hot: 1000K, the peak wavelength emitted by a black body falls in visible red range making the black body appear red hot. White Hot: ... Read More

what is meant by quality of radiation. 

02/17/2025 0

The quality of radiation refers to the characteristics (such as frequency, intensity) or properties of radiation that determine its effects and interactions with matter. Please ... Read More

What is meant by a perfect black body. 

02/17/2025 0

A perfect black body is one that absorbs all the radiation incident on it but reflects and transmits none. Please obtain free notes, exams and ... Read More

Mechanism of heat transfer by convection in fluids

02/17/2025 0

When a fluid is heated from underneath, it expands and becomes less dense than fluid above. The warm less dense fluid rises to the top ... Read More

Describe an experiment to detect thermal radiation.

02/17/2025 0

  Using Borometer The bolometer strip is connected to Wheatstone bridge circuit above. The rheostat is adjusted until the galvanometer shows no deflection. When the ... Read More

Describe an experiment to show the rate of heat loss from a body depends on the nature of the surface.

02/17/2025 0

A cubical metal tank whose sides are painted; dull black, dull white and highly polished is filled with hot water and radiations from each surface ... Read More

State Wien’s displacement law

02/17/2025 0

The wavelength λm at which maximum energy is radiated for temperature, T is such that λmT = constant. Please obtain free notes, exams and marking ... Read More

State Stefan’s law of thermal radiation 

02/17/2025 0

Stefan’s law states that the total power radiated by a black body per unit surface area is proportional to the fourth power of its absolute ... Read More

Describe the socio-economic organization of Batoro during the early 19th century.

02/17/2025 0

The Batoro, also known as the Tooro people, are a Bantu ethnic group native to the Tooro Kingdom in western Uganda. The Batoro are believed ... Read More

Describe the socio-economic organization of Alur during the early 19th century.

02/17/2025 0

The Alur are a Nilotic ethnic group who live in northwestern Uganda and northeastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). By the 19th century, they ... Read More

Describe the socio-economic organization of Langi during the early 19th century.

02/17/2025 0

The Langi, also known as Lango, are a Nilotic ethnic group residing in north-central Uganda. By the 19th century, they had established themselves in the ... Read More

Describe the socio-economic organization of Acholi during the early 19th century.

02/17/2025 0

By the early 19th century, the Acholi were a group of Luo-speaking people living in what is now northern Uganda. They are believed to have ... Read More

Describe the socio-economic organization of Banyoro during the early 19th century.

02/17/2025 1

The Banyoro are a Bantu ethnic group in Uganda, primarily residing in the Bunyoro region, which is located East of Lake Albert. Historically, The Banyoro ... Read More

Describe the socio-economic organization of Baganda during the early 19th century.

02/17/2025 0

The Baganda were one of the most powerful and influential ethnic groups in East Africa located in central Uganda. It is said to have sprung ... Read More

Describe the socio-economic organization of Wanga during the early 19th century.

02/17/2025 0

The Wanga Kingdom was a significant Bantu kingdom located in what is now Kakamega County in Western Kenya. The kingdom was founded in the 16th ... Read More

Describe the socio-economic organization of Ankole during the early 19th century.

02/17/2025 0

The Ankole Kingdom was a traditional Bantu kingdom located in southwestern Uganda bordered by Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. It existed from around ... Read More

Describe the socio-economic organization of Iteso during the early 19th century.

02/17/2025 0

The Iteso (or people of Teso) are a Nilotic ethnic group in eastern Uganda and western Kenya. Teso refers to the traditional homeland of the Iteso, and ... Read More

Describe the socio-economic organization of Chagga during the 19th century.

02/16/2025 0

The Chagga (or Wachagga) are a Bantu ethnic group who migrated and settled around the Kilimanjaro and Arusha regions of Tanzania by the 11th century. ... Read More

Describe the socio-economic organization of Nyamwezi during the 19th century.

02/16/2025 0

The Nyamwezi people are one of the Bantu ethnic groups in East Africa, primarily residing in western Tanzania and speak Kinyamwezi. The Nyamwezi are believed ... Read More

Describe the socio-economic organization of Akamba during the 19th century.

02/16/2025 0

The Akamba or Kamba or Wakamba people are believed to have migrated from the Congo Basin in the 17th century and settled in Kenya, particularly ... Read More

Describe the socio-economic organization of Karamajong during the 19th century

02/16/2025 6

The Karamojong were believed to have migrated from Ethiopia in Late 1600AD and settled in the North-eastern part of Uganda. The Karamojong, a Nilotic ethnic ... Read More

Examine the factors that lead to the success of South Sudan war of secession.

02/15/2025 0

(Introduction, identify and explain the reasons for success of the South Sudan war of secession, conclude) South Sudan is a landlocked country in East Africa, ... Read More

Account for collapse of the French Federation of West Africa by 1960

02/15/2025 0

(Introduction, identify and explain the factors that lead to the collapse of the French Federation of West Africa by 1960, conclude) The French Federation of ... Read More

How successful has been the African Union (AU) in fulfilling its aim?

02/15/2025 0

(Introduction, objectives, explain the achievement and weakness of the AU, conclude) The African Union (AU) is a continental organization established to promote unity, cooperation, and ... Read More

Discuss the causes and consequences of 1980 coup in Liberia

02/15/2025 6

(Introduction, explain the causes and effects of 1980 Liberian coup, conclude) The 1980 Liberian coup d'état occurred on April 12, 1980, when Master Sergeant Samuel ... Read More

Explain the factors that influenced the growth of Pan-Africanism movement (PAM) between 1945 and 1963.

02/15/2025 0

(Introduction, identify and explain the factors for the growth of Pan African Movement between 1945 and 1965, conclude) Pan-Africanism is a political, social, and cultural ... Read More

Assess the contribution of FRELIMO in the struggle for independence in Mozambique.

02/15/2025 0

(Make a viable introduction, explain the contributions of FRELIMO in the struggle for independence, discuss other contributing factors, a clear standpoint is required) The Mozambique ... Read More