What problems are faced in administering the buffer stock and stabilizing fund policies

What problems are faced in administering the buffer stock and stabilizing fund policies

  • LDCs are poor and therefore cannot afford purchasing the excess surplus due to limited funds
  • There are inadequate storage facilities especially for perishable goods such as vegetables
  • Poor transport system to collect these produces from all parts of the country
  • Reluctance by the government to take risk
  • Corruption may lead to mismanagement of funds
  • In case of continuous declining prices for several seasons, the funds is likely to be exhausted
  • Producers may continue producing the same products that lack market instead of diversification
  • In case of a general trend of price increase due to scarcity, producers at times keep on producing less instead of producing more. This makes price increase persistent.
  • International commodity agreements which would be stabilizing prices of agricultural products are weak and disorganized.
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