A-Level History: Notes, exams and marking guides

The Congress of Vienna, Vienna Treaty, Congress system and Restored Bourbon monarchy

The Congress of Vienna and Vienna Treaty, 1814- 1815; achievements and failures

The Congress System (Concert of Europe), 1818-1825 (achievements and failures)

The restored Bourbon Monarchy 1814-1830, successes, failures and collapse

The Belgian Revolution of 1830-1839, causes, consequences and factor contributing to its success

The Orleans Monarchy and Louis Philippe, 1830 – 1848 , factors that assisted ascent to power, achievements, failures and downfall

The 1848 Revolutions in Europe, causes, effects , and failures

The second French Republic Louis Napoleon Bonaparte 1848-1852 and the second French Empire (Napoleon III, 1852-1870), reasons that favored his rise to power, successes, failures and downfall

Syrian Questio,1831-1841, causes and consequences

Armed conflicts in the Balkans between 1820-1856 causes and consequences

The Crimean War 1854 – 1856, cause and effects

The Berlin congress 1878, aims and effects or impacts

The Unification of Italy, 1815-1870, reasons for the delay of unification, course of unification of Italy, factors for the success of the unification

The Unification of Germany, 1815-1871, reasons for the delay of unification, course of unification of Germany, factors for the success of the unification

Bismarck and Germany Empire 1871-1890, isolation of France, maintenance of peace in Europe, achievements, failures and downfall of Bismarck by 1890

The First World War, 1914-1918, causes and consequences

The Paris Conference and the Versailles Peace Treaty or Settlement, 1919 strength and weaknesses

The Russian or Bolshevik Revolution, 1917, causes, effects, successes and failures

The Weimer Republic, 1919-1933, the rise, achievements and downfall

Fascism and Benito Mussolini in Italy, 1922-1945, rise , consolidation of power and downfall

Nazism and Adolf Hitler in Germany, rise, consolidation of power, achievements, failures and downfall

The Spanish Civil War (SCW), 1936 -1939, cause, effects and reasons for defeat of Republican

World War II, 1939-1945, causes, Reasons for success of allied powers and effects

The Tehran conference 1943, causes and significance

The Potsdam or Berlin conference of the 1945, causes and significance

The United Nations Organization, 1945-1970 causes, achievements, strength and weaknesses

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization(NATO) 1949 -1970, Objectives and Achievements

The WARSAW Pact 1955 -1970, Objectives, Achievements and failures