A-Level History: Notes, exams and marking guides

History Paper 1: African Nationalism

History paper 1- Revision questions

History paper 1: Manifestation of African Nationalism

History paper 1- 1 – African Nationalism (meaning, factors that promoted it and impacts)

History paper 1- 2 – The Italo-Ethiopian crisis of 1935-1941

History paper 1- 3 – Pan Africanism (aims, objectives, strategies, achievements)

History paper 1- 4 – Organization of African Unity (OAU) 1963 (Objectives, structure, achievements and failure)

History paper 1- 5 – The non-aligned movement 1961 (objectives, achievements and failures)

History paper 1- 6 – The Apartheid Policy in South Africa (causes, effects and end of apartheid)

The East African Federation (1967-77) (objectives and reasons for its failure)

History paper 1- 8 – The Central African Federation (1953-63)

History paper 1- 9 – Nationalistic movements in British West Africa (Independence of Ghana and Nigeria)

History paper 1- 10 – Nationalistic movements in Kenya and struggle for independence – Key points

History paper 1- 11 – Nationalistic movements in Uganda – Key points

History paper 1- 12 – Nationalism in Tanzania– Key points

History paper 1- 13 – Nationalism in Malawi– Key points

History paper 1- 14 – Nationalism in Zimbabwe– Key points

History paper 1- 16 – Nationalism in Angola– Key points

History paper 1- 17 – Nationalism in Mozambique– Key points

History paper 1- 18 – Nationalism in Guinea Bissau– Key points

History paper 1- 19 – Nationalism in Western Sahara– Key points

History paper 1- 20 – Nationalism in Tunisia– Key points

History paper 1- 21 – Nationalism in Morocco– Key points

History paper 1- 22 – Nationalism in Madagascar– Key points

History paper 1- 25 – Rwanda revolution of 1959– Key points

History paper 1- 26 – Zanzibar revolution of 1964 – Key points

History paper 1- 28 – Algerian revolution of 1962– Key points

History paper 1- 29 – Ethiopian revolution of 1974– Key points

History paper 1- 31 – The civil war in Angola (1975-2002)-causes and effects

History paper 1- 32 – The civil war in Sudan-causes and effects

History paper 1- 34 – The civil war in Chad (2005 – 2010) – causes and effects

History paper 1- 35 – The Biafran War secession (1967-1970) – causes and effects

History paper 1- 37 – The Katanga war of Secession (Independence) – causes and effects

History paper 1- 39 – Foreign Aid – advantages and disadvantages

History paper 1- 40 – Neo-colonialism – features and effects

History paper 1- 42 – Post independence African Culture

History paper 1- 43 – Political party system in Africa-advantages and disadvantages

History paper 1- 44 – Regional economic integration and cooperation in Africa

History paper 1- 45 – African socialism

History paper 1- 46 – Harambe in Kenya – Objectives,  achievements and failures

History paper 1- 47 – Common Man’s Charter of 1969 in Uganda – Objectives, achievements and failures

The Congress of Vienna, Vienna Treaty, Congress system and Restored Bourbon monarchy

15-The Congress of Vienna and Vienna Treaty, 1814- 1815; achievements and failures

16-The Congress System (Concert of Europe), 1818-1825 (achievements and failures)

17-The restored Bourbon Monarchy 1814-1830, successes, failures and collapse

18-The Belgian Revolution of 1830-1839, causes, consequences and factor contributing to its success

19-The Orleans Monarchy and Louis Philippe, 1830 – 1848 , factors that assisted ascent to power, achievements, failures and downfall

20-The 1848 Revolutions in Europe, causes, effects , and failures

21-The second French Republic Louis Napoleon Bonaparte 1848-1852 and the second French Empire (Napoleon III, 1852-1870), reasons that favored his rise to power, successes, failures and downfall

22-Syrian Questio,1831-1841, causes and consequences

23-Armed conflicts in the Balkans between 1820-1856 causes and consequences

24-The Crimean War 1854 – 1856, cause and effects

25-The Berlin congress 1878, aims and effects or impacts

26-The Unification of Italy, 1815-1870, reasons for the delay of unification, course of unification of Italy, factors for the success of the unification

27-The Unification of Germany, 1815-1871, reasons for the delay of unification, course of unification of Germany, factors for the success of the unification

28-Bismarck and Germany Empire 1871-1890, isolation of France, maintenance of peace in Europe, achievements, failures and downfall of Bismarck by 1890

29-The First World War, 1914-1918, causes and consequences

30-The Paris Conference and the Versailles Peace Treaty or Settlement, 1919 strength and weaknesses

31-The Russian or Bolshevik Revolution, 1917, causes, effects, successes and failures

32-The Weimer Republic, 1919-1933, the rise, achievements and downfall

33-Fascism and Benito Mussolini in Italy, 1922-1945, rise , consolidation of power and downfall

34-Nazism and Adolf Hitler in Germany, rise, consolidation of power, achievements, failures and downfall

35-The Spanish Civil War (SCW), 1936 -1939, cause, effects and reasons for defeat of Republican

36-World War II, 1939-1945, causes, Reasons for success of allied powers and effects

37-The Tehran conference 1943, causes and significance

38-The Potsdam or Berlin conference of the 1945, causes and significance

39-The United Nations Organization, 1945-1970 causes, achievements, strength and weaknesses

40-The North Atlantic Treaty Organization(NATO) 1949 -1970, Objectives and Achievements

41-The WARSAW Pact 1955 -1970, Objectives, Achievements and failures

History paper 6: African History (1855 – 1914)

History paper 6- 1 -The pre-colonial centralized and non- centralized societies in Africa (1855-1914)

History paper 6- 2 –Slave trade in West Africa (causes, reasons for its abolition and effects of its abolition)

History paper 6- 3 –Pre-colonial trade in West Africa

History paper 6- 4 –Civilization in West Africa

History paper 6- 5 –Jihads movements in West Africa

History paper 6- 6 –Mfecane invasion in the East and central Africa by 1914

History paper 6- 7 – Scramble for and Partition of Africa (causes and effects)

History paper 6- 8 – Missionaries in Africa

History paper 6- 9 – Colonization of East Africa

History paper 6- 10 – The 1900 Buganda agreement in Uganda

History paper 6- 11 – The Wafaranza-Wangeleza wars in Buganda between 1876-1900 ( causes and consequences )

History paper 6- 12 – Samori Toure (1828 –1900) of West Africa (contributions and comparison with Kabalega)

History paper 6- 13 – Chimurenga rebellion (1896-1898) of Central Africa (causes, organization and consequences or effects)

History paper 6- 14 – Chief Lubengula (Reason for the failure to defeat the British colonialists)

History paper 6- 15 – King Lewanika of the Lozi (Achievements and failure)

History paper 6- 16 – African uprisings against colonial rule

History paper 6- 17 – French assimilation policy

History paper 6- 18 – Colonization of Congo

History paper 6- 19 – Lord Cromer in Egypt between 1883-1907- successes and failures

History paper 6- 20 – Factors that contributed to the development of modern transport in West Africa by 1914

History paper 6- 22 – The Mahdist State (1885-1899) – rise and downfall

History paper 6- 23 – The Fashod incidence in Sudan – causes and consequences

History paper 6- 25 – Federation of South Africa – causes, steps and consequences

History paper 6- 27 – Colonization of Morocco in 1912 and its independence in 1956

History paper 6- 28 – Colonization of Algeria in 1830 and its independence in 1962

History paper 6- 29 – Colonization of Tunisia in 1881 and its independence in 1956

History paper 6- 30 – Colonization of Libya in 1911 and its independence in 1951

History paper 6- 31 – Theodore II of Ethiopia (1855-1868) (rise to power, contributions and failure or downfall)

History paper 6- 32 – Significance of the 1910 Act on unification of South Africa

History paper 6- 33 – Impact of Vereeniging treaty on people of South Africa

History paper 6- 34 – To what extent was Urabist revolt of 1880-81 in Egypt a nationalistic movement