A – level physics notes, exams and marking guides


The ability to pass physics exams lies in writing and rewriting notes, questions and answers to internalise the concepts, improve on spellings and writing skills . It upon this that you are advised to write and rewrite these notes and read  about each topic from all sources possible to widen your knowledge. 

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You can now watch A-level magnetism lesson (1-20): In You Tube search magnetism lesson 1,… or 20 by Dr. Bbosa Science


Revision past papers



These videos teach technical subjects, it may require you to listen to the video more than once to eternalize the subject 

Plane mirrors A level

Concave and convex mirrors lesson 2 of 2 (A-level)

Reflection in plane mirrors revision questions A level

Concave and convex mirror revision questions

Curved mirror l (concave and convex mirrors) A-level; lesson 1 o f 2

Magnetism Videos

Magnetism lesson 1

Magnetism lesson 2

Magnetism lesson 3

Magnetism lesson 4

Magnetism lesson 5

Magnetism lesson 6

Magnetism lesson 7

Magnetism lesson 8

Magnetism lesson 9

Magnetism lesson 10

Magnetism lesson 11

Magnetism lesson 12

Magnetism lesson 13

Magnetism lesson 14

Magnetism lesson 15

Magnetism lesson 16

Magnetism lesson 17

Magnetism lesson 18

Magnetism lesson 19

Magnetism lesson 20

Morden physics Videos

Modern physics lesson 1

Modern physics lesson 2

Modern physics lesson 3

Modern physics lesson 4

Modern physics lesson 5