Advantages/merits of unbalanced growth strategy

Advantages/merits of unbalanced growth strategy


Unbalanced growth strategy is a strategy that recommends investment in one or few vital sectors of economy.


  • More Practical and realistic: The unbalanced growth provides practical utility for the planners. The theory stresses upon the creation of those industries which have maximum total linkage.
  • It promotes efficient utilization of limited resources like capital and manpower.
  • Encourages development of skills in the selected development sectors.
  • Self-reliance through prioritizing the development of leading sectors which accelerate the high rate of capital investment
  •  Better-Use of Resources: since a country makes use of its resources according to its needs and ability. And often depends on availability of domestic resources.
  • It encourages decentralized decisions making and planning in the identification of the possible developmental resources such as capital.
  • It encourages innovations in the selected sectors for development.
  • Promotes production of essential goods and services. Unbalanced  growth strategy gives priority to basic sectors.
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