Category: A-level biology videos

DNA, RNA and protein synthesis structured questions

02/19/2021 6

Questions selected to assist in understanding the topic at A-level Read More

DNA, RNA and protein synthesis objective questions

02/19/2021 66

Questions selected to assist a candidate to understand the topic Read More

DNA, RNA and protein synthesis

02/19/2021 6

Nucleotides, bases, evidences that DNA is the genetic material, comparison between the structure of DNA and RNA; replication, transcription, and translation Read More

Asexual reproduction and alternative generation

02/19/2021 2

Advantages and disadvantages of asexual reproduction, alteration of generations in bryophytes and ferns; comparison of life cycle of moss and ferns Read More

Meiosis and mitosis revision questions

02/19/2021 2

Questions set to test and aid understanding of cell division at a-level Read More

Cell divisions (meiosis and mitosis)

02/19/2021 67

Stages of meiosis and mitosis and comparison between mitosis and meiosis Read More

Ecology Essay questions

02/19/2021 2

Questions selected to test and enable understanding of ecology Read More

Ecology structured questions

02/19/2021 71

Questions selected to test and enable understanding of the topic of ecology Read More

Ecology lesson 3 of 3

02/19/2021 1

Pollution and conservation, causes of increase in carbon dioxide concentration, how to reduce carbon dioxide concentration, meaning and causes of global warming, Effects of oil ... Read More

Ecology objectives (A-level)

02/17/2021 0

questions selected to assist understanding of the topic Read More


01/10/2021 0

Ecology Ecology is the study of the relationship of living organism with each other and their nonliving environment. The study of ecology helps us to ... Read More

Ecology lesson 2 of 3

01/09/2021 3

Population, population size, significance of population size, factors to consider when determining population size, methods of determining population size, direct counting method, sampling methods, capture-recapture ... Read More

Transport in flowering plants structured questions

01/09/2021 0

Questions selected skillfully to test and aid understanding, answers are provided Read More

Transport in flowering plants objective questions

01/09/2021 5

Questions skillfully selected to test and facilitate underdanding Read More

Behaviors (A- level)

01/09/2021 2

Definitions, instinctive behavior ( reflex, kinesis, taxis) sign stimulus, Learned behaviors ( habituations, classical conditioning, operant conditioning, insight learning, latent learning, imprinting, displacement activity, courtship ... Read More

Ecology lesson 1 of 3

01/09/2021 0

Definition, Abiotic factors (soil, climate, fire, topography), Biotic factors (parasitism, mutualism, commensalism, predation), food chains, food webs, pyramid of number, pyramid of biomass, pyramid of ... Read More

Gaseous exchange structured revision questions

01/08/2021 1

Questions selected to test and facilitate understanding Read More

Gaseous exchange objective revision questions

01/03/2021 2

Questions specially selected to test and facilitate understanding Read More

Transpiration and structure of stomata

01/02/2021 0

Definition, function of transpiration, adaptations of xerophytes, mesophytes, and hydrophytes; structure of stomata, mechanisms for stomata opening Read More

Transport in flowering plants

01/02/2021 0

Structure and adaptations of xylem, structure and adaptations of phloem, Path taken by water in roots (the apoplast pathway, the Symplast pathway, the vacuolar pathways ... Read More

Gaseous exchange (A-level)

01/02/2021 0

Need for gaseous exchange surface, adaptations of a gaseous exchange surface, special gaseous surfaces in animals, tracheal system, advantages and disadvantages of tracheal system, gaseous ... Read More

Evolution objective revision questions

01/02/2021 0

Questions skillfully selected to test and facilitate understanding Read More

Evolution structured revision questions for A-level studens

01/02/2021 0

questions specially selected to test and facilitate  understanding of the subject Read More

Evolution Essay revision questions

01/02/2021 0

specially selected to test and assist in understanding the topic Read More

Evolution (A-level biology) lesson 3 of 3

01/02/2021 0

Evidences of evolution, convergent evolution, analogous structures, homologous structure, adaptive radiation, divergent evolution, pentadactyl limb, vestigial structures Read More

Evolution (A-level biology) lesson 2 of 3

01/02/2021 1

Genetic pool, allele frequency, genotype frequency, genetic drift, genetic load, gene flow, Hardy-Weinberg principles and its calculations, speciation and isolation mechanisms, green revolution, artificial selection. Read More

Evolution A-level lesson 1 of 3 (A-level biology)

01/02/2021 1

Definition of evolution, theories for origin of life, Lamarck and Darwin's theories of evolution, natural selection, continuous and discontinuous variations. types of selection i.e. direction, ... Read More

Transport in animals Structured questions A level biology

12/05/2020 3

A-level Biology Questions skillfully selected to test and aid understanding Read More

Transport in animals lesson 2 of 2 by Dr. Bbosa Science (A-level biology)

12/04/2020 4

Circulatory system in man, definitions of artery and vein, differences between arteries and veins, diagram of heart, circulation through the heart, cardiac cycle, cardiac muscle, ... Read More

Transport in animals lesson 1 of 2 by Dr. Bbosa Science (A-level biology)

12/04/2020 0

A-level biology Features of transport system, components of blood, adaptation of red blood cells, structure of hemoglobin, functions of hemoglobin, function of blood, oxygen dissociation ... Read More

Plant response objective question – A level biology

11/28/2020 0

Questions skillfully selected to test the subject and facilitate the learner to understand the subject Read More

Reproduction in plants revision essay question (A-level biology)

11/28/2020 0

Essay questions selected to test students understanding of reproduction in plants and also to assist student internalize the subject Read More

Plant responses (A-level biology)

11/27/2020 0

tropisms, phototropism, geotropism, nastic response, tactic response, functions of auxins, functions gibberellins, function of ethene, functions cytokinins, absicics acid, photoperiodism, short day plants, long day ... Read More

Sexual reproduction in plants (Structured questions) (A-level biology)

11/22/2020 0

structured questions selected to test and aid understanding of the topic sexual reproduction in plants Read More

Reproduction in plants objective questions (A-level biology)

11/21/2020 0

question selected to test and promote the understanding of reproduction  in plants Read More

Reproduction in animals A-level biology structured questions

11/21/2020 0 structured questions selected to help learner understand the topic. Read More

Reproduction in animals objective questions (A-level biology)

11/21/2020 1

Well selected 30 objectives to help you understand and internalize the topic of reproduction in animals Read More

Sexual reproduction in plants (A-level biology)

11/21/2020 0

Parts of flowers, pollen grain and ova formation, structures of mature pollen grain and ovum, pollination and fertilization, agents of pollination, advantages of sexual reproduction, ... Read More

Reproduction in animals (A-level biology)

11/20/2020 0

Male and female reproductive systems, spermatogenesis, oogenesis, fertilization, advantages of internal fertilization, menstrual cycle, events in pregnancy, the function, structure, and adaptations of placenta, hormonal ... Read More

Temperature regulation in animals (A-level biology)

11/15/2020 0 Significance of temperature regulation, types of temperature regulation, endotherms, warm blooded, ectoderms,, cold blooded, skin, responses of humans to cold and hot environment, behavioral ... Read More

Excretion lesson 2 of 2 (A-level biology)

11/13/2020 0

Excretion and osmoregulation in marine invertebrates and vertebrates, excretion and osmoregulation fresh water animals and fish, excretion and osmoregulation in insects, excretion in plants, adaptations ... Read More

Excretion in man lesson 1 of 2 (A-level biology)

11/08/2020 1

definition, excretory organs, excretory system in man, urine formation, osmoregulation, control of pH by kidney Read More

Homeostasis (A-level biology)

11/08/2020 0

Definition of homeostasis, mechanisms of homeostasis (negative feedback and positive feedback), components of efficient negative feed back mechanism, homeostasis of glucose, role of pancreas in ... Read More

Locomotion in animals lesson 2 of 2 (A-level biology)

11/07/2020 0

Biceps and triceps, stability and locomotion in tetrapod, locomotion in fish, stability in fish and how it is counteracted, locomotion in birds, adaptations of birds ... Read More

Locomotion in animals lesson 1 of 2 (A-biology)

11/06/2020 0

Types of skeletons, locomotion in earthworm, locomotion in insects, types of joints, differences in types of muscles Read More

Genetics objectives (A-level biology)

10/30/2020 3 Well discussed 30 objectives from national exams Read More

Genetics lesson 1of 2 (A-level biology)

10/30/2020 2

Terminologies (gene, allele, dominant gene, recessive genes, homozygous, heterozygous, back cross, test cross), monohybrid inheritance, sex determination and multiple alleles (ABO blood groups) Read More