Category: Economics

Foreign aid

02/28/2023 0

Foreign aid is the international movement of money, services, or goods/resources from governments or international institutions for the benefit of the receiving country or its ... Read More

Measures that have been to promote development of private sector in Uganda

02/28/2023 0

Development/ improvement of infrastructures Provided affordable loans/credit facilities to investors. Ensuring -political stability / improved the political climate. Widened markets both local and foreign. Ensured ... Read More

Disadvantages/Demerits of Oligopolistic market

02/28/2023 0

Distortion of consumer’s choice through advertising Exploitation of consumers through over charging due to collusion/profit maximization motives Duplication and hence wastage of resources Worsen /cause ... Read More

Factors that affect the implementation of development plans

02/28/2023 0

The availability of data / information The degree of responsiveness of the private sector The level of government commitment / the level of conservatism/ the ... Read More

Factors which limit the effective operation of trade unions in your country

02/28/2023 0

Disunity of workers Poor leadership ability Political interference Limited fund Limited skill of members High levels of unemployment. Limited membership/low level of unionization. Low demand ... Read More

Factors that influence the level of profits in your country (Uganda)

02/28/2023 0

Price level/ the rate of inflation Cost of production/cost  of sales/ efficiency of firms Goal / objective of the producer(s). Entrepreneurial skills organizational Degree risks ... Read More

Economic profit

02/28/2023 0

Economic profit is an earning measured or derived by getting the difference between the revenue and opportunity cost of factors used in the production of ... Read More

Normal profit

02/28/2023 0

Normal profit is the minimum rate of return that a firm must earn to remain in industry. or Normal profit is an earning or reward ... Read More

Account for the increase in public expenditure i n your country.(Uganda)

02/27/2023 0

Rising costs of infrastructural development. Rising emergency funding due to frequency of natural hazards. Systemic corruption/rising levels of corruption/embezzlement by public officials/rising costs of fighting ... Read More

Explain the functions of banking financial institutions in your country.

02/27/2023 0

Accepting deposits. Advancing loans. Act as custodians of their customers valuables (by providing strong rooms). Insurance of various forms of credit Instruments/provides easy means of ... Read More

Causes of voluntary unemployment. 

02/27/2023 0

Laziness/negative altitude. The desire (by the unemployment) to live on past savings. Low wages/remuneration and other benefits in the available jobs. The preference to live ... Read More

Benefits/ advantages/merits of nationalization of enterprises

02/27/2023 0

Merits of nationalization of enterprises Reduces wasteful competition/duplication of activities. Encourages large scale production/increased output/economies of scale/economic growth. Reduces consumer exploitation by charging affordable prices/provision ... Read More

Explain the rationale for centralized planning in an economy

02/27/2023 0

To minimize wastage of resources/efficient allocation of resources To ensure proper co-ordination in sectoral development since the private sector is still weak. To ensure equitable ... Read More

Explain the factors that limit regional l economic integration among the developing

02/27/2023 0

They tend to produce similar goods and service which limits market Failure/fear to share benefits equally Fear to lose customs revenue Existence of political instabilities ... Read More

the feature of an economic union

02/27/2023 0

    Strong regional institutions. Use of a common currency. Sharing of common services. t economic planning. Free movement of goods and services/free trade within ... Read More

How does existence of monopolistic competitive markets affect producers in Uganda?

02/27/2023 0

It lead to wastage of resource due to duplication of services/activities. They carryout competitive advertisement which leads to high operational costs. Production of excess capacity, ... Read More

Differences and similarities between pure monopoly and monopolistic competitive markets

02/27/2023 0

Differences In pure monopoly there is only one producer/seller/firm while in competitive monopolistic competitive markets there are many producers i.e. no completion exist in pure ... Read More

Effects of agricultural price fluctuations in an economy

02/27/2023 0

unstable/fluctuating terms of trade Unstable export earning Balance of payment instabilities Planning is made difficult Fluctuation of government revenue Unstable farmers income Fluctuations of employment ... Read More

Relevance of Malthusian theory  to LDCs (Uganda)

02/27/2023 0

Land supply being fixed and subject to the law of diminishing returns is what is being experienced and he envisaged this Natural family planning methods/control ... Read More

Limitations of the Malthusian population theory in developing countries

02/27/2023 0

  It assumes constant technology which is unrealistic since technology is ever changing/technological progress occurs. It assumes a closed economy, yet economies of most LDCs ... Read More

Effects of regressive taxes in an economy. 

02/27/2023 0

They encourage hard work among the poor. They widen income gap between the poor and the rich. They limit consumption of consumer goods/reduce standards of ... Read More

Distinguish between average product and marginal product

02/27/2023 0

Average product is the output produced per unit of a variable factor employed e.g. Labour. While Marginal product is the change in total output resulting ... Read More

Factors that may lead to increase in marginal product of labour

02/27/2023 0

Increase in wage rate Improvement in technology Increase in the level of education /training /skills Improvement in the quality of management and supervision· Increase in ... Read More

Advantages/ Benefits/merits of a mixed economy.

02/27/2023 0

Limited resource wastage due to regulated Better quality products are produced because of competition between the private and public sectors. Production of a wide variety ... Read More

Reasons for stabilizing prices of agricultural products in an economy

02/25/2023 0

to stabilize incomes of farmers to stabilize balance of payment for stabilize government revenue to stabilize foreign exchange earnings to control rural-urban migration to minimize ... Read More

Cause of low level of national income in developing countries

02/25/2023 0

low level of natural resource exploitation small size of the market low level of infrastructural development political instabilities high population growth rate low level of ... Read More

Advantages of dual economy

02/25/2023 0

 government is awakened to its responsibility  of providing utilities for the less developed regions government revenue through progressive taxes it provides impetus for research and ... Read More

A dual economy meaning

02/25/2023 0

A dual economy is one where there is co-existence of two contrasting sectors/phenomenon/situations, one advanced/modern and the other backward/traditional or one superior and another inferior ... Read More

Causes of a decrease in supply

02/25/2023 0

an decrease in the price of jointly supplied goods/product increase in the price of a competitively supplied commodity a change in objective of the producer ... Read More

Reasons for high liquid preference in developing countries

02/24/2023 0

low income high rate of speculation high rate of inflation high level of cash transaction high degree of uncertinity  low levels of development of commercial ... Read More

Liquidity ratio

02/24/2023 0

Liquidity ratio is the percentage/proportion of commercial bank (total) deposit that is kept in cash or near cash form Read More

Features of agricultural sector in Uganda

02/24/2023 0

mainly subsistence mainly on small scale mainly rural based mainly use labour intensive technology mainly produce low quality output produce mainly for local market mainly ... Read More

Transfer payment

02/24/2023 0

Transfer payment is an income received by economical entity without anything given in return or payment made to an individual without corresponding goods/services rendered (i.e. ... Read More

Complementary goods

02/24/2023 0

bb Complementary goods are goods that are jointly demanded e.g. car and petrol, guns and bullets, fountain pen and ink, bow and arrows, chalkboard and ... Read More

Contributions of private sector to economic development

02/24/2023 0

provision of employment increase government revenue promote infrastructural development promote resource utilization promote industrialization promote innovation and invention promote development of entrepreneurship skills provide variety ... Read More

Methods of wage/salaries determination in Uganda

02/24/2023 1

Collective bargaining. This  refers  to round  table  negotiations   between  the  representatives    of the trade  union  and  the  employer   aimed  at  improving   wages  and  other  working  ... Read More

Characteristic of formal sector in Uganda

02/24/2023 0

made up of predominantly registered businesses mainly provide salaried employment has proper record keeping businesses are mainly governed by law/acts of parliament dominated by corporate ... Read More

Impact of unemployment in a country

02/24/2023 0

decline in the level of skill acquisition increased dependence burden low government revenue brain drainage low aggregate demand for goods and services worsen income inequality ... Read More

Causes of youth unemployment

02/24/2023 0

Technological progress and increased use of capital intensive technology lack of appropriate skills seasonal changes especially in agriculture poor attitude towards work rapid population growth ... Read More

Merits/benefits/merits of privatization

02/23/2023 0

increases output hence economic growth increases government revenue widen customers choice due to a variety of goods improved quality of goods and services. reduced corruption ... Read More

Nationalization of firms/enterprises

02/23/2023 0

Nationalization of firms/enterprises is the taking over by the state of ownership of firm/enterprises formally privately owned Read More

Imperfect oligopoly

02/23/2023 0

Imperfect oligopoly is a market situation where there are a few seller/firm/ producers in the industry in similar but differentiated products. Read More

Perfect oligopoly

02/23/2023 0

Perfect oligopoly is a market structure situation where there are a few firms/supplier/sellers in the industry industry dealing in homogeneous products Read More

Strategies taken to improve infrastructures in Uganda

02/23/2023 3

constructed infrastructure rehabilitated infrastructures contracted private firms to develop infrastructure step up supportive institution such as UNRA improved labour skills by increasing the number of ... Read More

Roles of infrastructure in economic development of Uganda

02/23/2023 0

Promotion of investment/capital inflow promotion trade/accessibility to market promotes resource utilization creates employment improves social welfare of people e.g. health and educational facilities facilitate innovation ... Read More

Measure to promote investment in Uganda

02/23/2023 0

encourage saving increase peoples income control population growth widen market for local production provide investment incentives undertake entrepreneurial development and training purse economic linearization undertake ... Read More

Effects/Implications of Uganda’s population structure

02/23/2023 0

Benefits/positive effects/implications/ advantages/merits of Uganda's population structure high market potentials high potential for labour force incentive for future investment high tax potential encourage labour mobility ... Read More

Population structure of Uganda

02/23/2023 0

dominated by the young population female more than male over 80% live in rural areas majority are unskilled or semiskilled high growth rate dominated by ... Read More

Reasons for the low levels of investments in Uganda

02/23/2023 0

limited capital limited skilled labour low income limited saving limited market high interest rates on capital loans political instability high levels of inflation limited entrepreneurs ... Read More

Challenges/Factors limiting the integration of firms in Uganda

02/23/2023 0

Fear of high taxation limited market limited skilled manpower differences in economic objectives of firms fear of diseconomies of scale/complexity/high risk  dealing in unrelated products ... Read More

Measures to reduce open urban unemployment

02/23/2023 0

Advertise/publish the available jobs widen market population control to reduce population growth rate education reform to produce job creators/proper manpower planning undertake land reforms under ... Read More

effects/Implication of over population

02/23/2023 0

Benefits/merits/Advantages   of over population It increases the size of the domestic market for both the manufactured and agricultural products. It encourages labour mobility. This is ... Read More

Positive roles/advantages/benefits/merits /need for industrialization in less developed countries

02/23/2023 0

Creates jobs in the country Promotes innovation, and technological advancement Leads development of infrastructures such as roads and power distribution. Promotes scientific research Provision of ... Read More

Reasons for/advantages/merits/benefits of price control

02/23/2023 0

Price stability: resale price maintenance ensures that prices are stable since retailers cannot increase the set prices which are indicated on the commodities. This reduces ... Read More

Credit (Bank deposit/ Money) multiplier

02/23/2023 0

Credit multiplier (M) is the number of times the initial bank deposits multiply   to give the final bank deposits Example 1 Calculate the total credit ... Read More

Benefits/Advantages (Merits) of big push growth strategy

02/23/2023 0

It increases employment opportunities. The strategy emphasizes the creation of labour intensive industries. This promotes employment and raises effective aggregate demand for goods and services ... Read More

Public goods

02/23/2023 0

Public goods are goods provided by  the government  (state) and  they are collectively owned by the members of society in such a way that their ... Read More

Mild inflation

02/23/2023 0

Mild inflation is persistent increase in price level at a slow rate (i.e. less than 10%) Read More


02/23/2023 0

Hyperinflation is a persistent increase in the general price levels at high/fast rate (i.e. over 10% per annum) Read More

Causes of tax evasion

02/22/2023 0

 the desire by the tax payer to keep all income ignorance of the tax payer on the advantages of taxes high level of corruption discourage ... Read More