Causes of voluntary unemployment.
- Laziness/negative altitude.
- The desire (by the unemployment) to live on past savings.
- Low wages/remuneration and other benefits in the available jobs.
- The preference to live on others incomes.
- Expectations of better jobs in future/expectation of better paying jobs in the future.
- The unemployed being too qualified for the available jobs.
- Preference for leisure.
- Poor working conditions in the available employment opportunities.
- High risks involved in the available jobs.
- Low status esteem attached to the available jobs/jobs being socially unacceptable.
- a Social restrictions.
- Social ties.
- Unfavourable geographical location of jobs which discourage individuals to take up jobs.
- Poor infrastructure such as roads.
- Political instability.
- Unfavourable natural factors.
- Good economic background of the unemployed preference to live on their peoples’ incomes/ benefits.
TAGS Dr. Bbosa Science