Describe Electrical method of determining the specific heat capacity of a good conducting solid.

Describe Electrical method of determining the specific heat capacity of a good conducting solid.

Describe Electrical method of determining the specific heat capacity of a good conducting solid.

  • Two holes are drilled into the specimen solid of mass m.
  • A thermometer is inserted in one of the holes and an electric heater into the other hole. The holes are then filled with a good conducting fluid, e.g. oil to ensure thermal contact.
  • The apparatus is insulated and initial temperature θ0 is recorded.
  • The heater is switched on at the same time a stop clock is started.
  • The steady values of ammeter reading, I and voltmeter reading, V are recorded.
  • After considerable temperature rise, the heater is switched off and stop clock stopped.
  • The highest temperature θ1 recorded and time t taken noted.
  • The specific heat capacity, c, of the conducting solid is calculated from

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