Difference between C3, and C4 plant

Difference between C3, and C4 plant


  C3 pathway C4 pathway
1 Photosynthesis occurs in mesophyll cells Photosynthesis occurs in mesophyll cells and bundle sheath cells
2 The CO2 molecule acceptor is RuBP The CO2 acceptor molecule is phosphenol pyruvate
3 The first stable product is a 3C compound Called Glycerate-3-phosphate (PGA) The first stable product is a 4C compound oxaloacetic acid (OAA)
4 Photorespiration rate is high and leads to loss of fixed CO2. Decrease CO2 fixation rate Photorespiration is negligible and is almost absent. Hence high CO2 fixation rate
5 Optimum temperature is 200C to 250C Optimum temperature is 30 to 450C.
6 Photosynthetic rate is low Photosynthetic rate is high
7. Examples of C3 plants are rice, wheat and tomato Examples of C4 plants are maize, sugar cane

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Dr. Bbosa Science

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