Disadvantages (Demerits) of Monopolistic competition

Disadvantages (Demerits) of Monopolistic competition


  1. In the long  run,  firms   earn  normal  profits   and  therefore  it  is  not  possible  to  expand  on production and enjoy economies of large scale.
  2. There is production at excess capacity both in the short and long run.  This leads to underutilization of resources hence unemployment and underemployment.
  3. There is duplication of commodities in the market in form of product differentiation. This leads to resource wastage.
  4. There is too  much  advertisement  which  leads to  wastage of  scarce  financial  resources.    In addition  the  advertisement  costs  are  shifted  to  the  consumers  in  form  of  high  prices  hence exploiting consumers.
  5. Research is not possible in the long run. This is because firms earn normal profits and this may reduce the quality of the products.
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