Examine the causes and effects of land and sea breezes in East
Candidates are expected to:
- Define land and sea
- Identify the areas where they occur in East Africa.
- Factors of land and sea breezes.
- Causes and their effects ·
- Illustrate their answer
Land and sea breezes are local winds which occur in areas where land is lying in close proximity to a water body e.g. around the shores of Lake Victoria and the coastal areas of East Africa.
Land breeze blows from land to sea/lake and occurs during the night while sea breeze blows from the sea to the land and occurs during the day.
Factors of land and sea breezes
- Differences in specific heat capacity of land and sea.
- Mobility of water compared to solid land.
- Heat transmission through transparent water as opposed to opaque land.
- Differences in reflecting capacity of land and water.
Causes of land breeze (occurs during the night)
- Loss of terrestrial radiation at coastlands at night. Land cools faster than the seal water which retain much of its heat
- Water loses heat more slowly such that the air above it warms up.
- Low pressure is created over the warm sea and high pressure over the cold land.
- Cool air from the land under high pressure blows towards the sea to replace the rising air hence land breeze.
Causes of the sea breeze (occurs during du day).
- There is intense heating of land areas during the day.
- Land warms faster than the sea hence temperatures are high over the land and colder over the sea.
- Convective currents of warm air rise over the land and create low pressure at the surface.
- Cool and moist winds i.e. from sea replace the rising air i.e. from high pressure to low pressure on land.
Effects of land breeze
- Lowering the temperature over the
- This may lead to formation of foggy or misty conditions over the lake/sea which results in poor
- Dry condition on land because little or no rainfall is received
- It results into violent thunderstorm. Offshore/rainfall.
- It also results into high humidity in the sea/lake.
- There is also formation of cloud cover over the sea.
Effects of sea breeze.
- Lowering of temperature on land especially in the afternoons which results in poor visibility.
- On shore convectional rainfall is formed which is usually received in afternoons.
- It results into violent thunderstorm.
- It also results into high humidity on land.
- There is also formation of cloud cover over land.
TAGS Dr. Bbosa Science
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