Examine the reasons for or causes of income inequality/differences in wages in your country
Causes of income inequality in Uganda
- Difference in talents (natural ability) those who are naturally talented e.g. footballers, musicians usually earn higher incomes than their counterparts that are not talented.
- Differences in resource endowment. Places rich in productive resources usually earn more than others
- Differences in opportunities: people with good paying jobs earn more than others with low paying jobs
- Level of education and training; highly educated and well- trained people tend to earn more than those with low education and training e.g. Doctors versus nurses.
- Differences in physical and mental abilities; the mentally sound and physically strong tend to have ability and willingness to work and hence have higher incomes compared to those that are insane and physically weak
- Differences in age, sex, tribe and race; labour discrimination is based on these factors to determine individual income.
- Inheritance; those from rich families inherit and get rich unlike those from poor families.
- Differences in wages; some people earn higher wages compared to others
- Differences in infrastructure distribution. Area with even distribution of infrastructure tend to have high productivity hence higher incomes than others with under developed infrastructures
- Differences in mobility of factors of production; mobile factors of production can easily move from areas of low payment to areas of high wages unlike immobile factors of production.
- Political stability; areas that are politically stable attract investment than those that are unstable.
- Influence of trade unions. Strong and sound trade unions agitate for favorable conditions of work.
- Government policy; government tend to favor some parts of the country when allocating resources. These get higher incomes
- Poor land tenure system; land is not evenly distributed making those with land to produce and earn income than those without.
- Globalization – Lesser-skilled Ugandan workers have been losing ground in the face of competition from workers in Asia and neighboring countries.
- Skills– The rapid pace of progress in information technology has increased the relative demand for higher-skilled workers.
- Social norms –CEO pay is very much higher than a normal worker
- Uneven distribution of industries between urban and rural area. This is as a result of concentration of industries and other social infrastructures in urban areas which leads to imbalances in income generating activities in favor of urban areas hence income
TAGS Dr. Bbosa Science