Explain the conditions a which favoured the growth of tropical rain forests in Africa

Explain the conditions a which favoured the growth of tropical rain forests in Africa

Candidates should identify areas in Africa where tropical rainforests are found e.g. DR Congo, Gabon, Cameroon, Nigeria, Ghana, Uganda, C.A.R, Kenya etc. Should not only discuss East Africa but the entire African continent

Candidates should then explain the conditions which have favored the growth of tropical rainforests in Africa.

  • Climate: Tropical rain forests require heavy rainfall which is well distributed throughout the year of over 1500mm e.g. The Congo Basin forests, Mabira forests etc.
  • They also require hot temperature ranging between 22°C- 28°C which increase humidity in air, hence rainfall for tree growth.
  • Existence of high humidity level of about 80%. This promotes luxuriant tree growth
  • Presence of adequate sunlight for plants/trees to manufacture to their food through photosynthesis which promotes plant growth.
  • Soils: Tropical rain forests require deep fertile soils along mountain slopes, gently sloping areas, alluvial soils that exist along river valleys e.g. along river Niger in Nigeria, R Congo promotes riverine forests and along lake shore such as L. Victoria.
  • Relief: Tropical rain forests are found along slopes of mountains e.g. Rwenzori forest on Mt Rwenzori and plateaus.
  • Low lands e.g. along the East African coast where there are Mangrove forests and along river valleys favor riverine forests such as Katonga forest.
  • Tropical rain forest require well drained areas especially along the gentle slopes of mountains e.g. Mt Kenya, Marsabit and low laying areas such as Buikwe where Mabira forest have grown.
  • Water logged areas especially the East African Coast have favored the growth of mangrove ever green forests at Mombasa, and Dare es Salam and along the West African coast of Nigeria, Ghana.
  • Altitude: Tropical rainforests are found at a low altitude of between 1000m – 2000m above sea level on slopes of mountain/ highlands e.g. Mt Kilimanjaro, M t Kenya and low laying areas where forests such as the Congo basin forests, Budongo have grown.
  • Government policy of gazatting/ conservation of forest reserves has led to the growth of tropical rain forest e.g. Mt. Kei forest reserve in Uganda etc.
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    Allan Kataa 10 months

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