Explain the weather conditions associated with tropical cyclones. 

Explain the weather conditions associated with tropical cyclones. 

The weather conditions associated with tropical cyclones are winds, pressure, humidity, clouds and rain

  • These weather conditions vary with vortices. Those in the advance vortex may be similar to those in rear vortex. But those in the eye of the storm, they are different
  • Before the arrival of the storm; they are characterized by; high pressure, calm and still air, hot temperatures.

Weather conditions in the advance vortex

  • There is decreasing atmospheric pressure
  • Increasing wind speed and winds tend be violent i.e. surge upwards at high speed of an average of 150- 200km /hour
  • Developments of dense clouds cover due to up surging of humid winds that they condense.
  • Heavy rainfall, with lightning and thunder storms which may exceed 500mm in only 24 hours
  • Reduced visibility due to low and dense cloud cover as well as stormy conditions
  • Temperatures tend to be hot, a counting for the great evaporation and consequent humidity

Weather conditions in the eye or the storm

  • There are calm winds /light winds/stationary or still winds.
  • Temperatures are generally hot
  • There are bright and dry conditions
  • The skies are clear with hardly any cloud

Weather conditions in the rear vortex

  • These is low, but rising atmospheric pressure
  • There are strong winds with high speed between 120-200.km/hr
  • Winds are also marked by vertical instabilities i.e. rising air currents.
  • It tends to be cloudy i.e. there are dense clouds
  • There is high humidity
  • There is heavy rainfall, accompanied by thunder storms
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