Lateral and vertical Earth movement

Lateral and vertical Earth movement

Lateral earth movements

  • They are diastrophic/large scale differential movements that operate horizontally within the earth crust.
  • They are caused by internal forces i.e. tensional forces (divergent forces) and compressional forces (convergent forces}, with resulting strains and stresses in the rocks.
  • They lead to folding and faulting of the coast


Vertical earth movements

  • They are diastrophic movements that operate vertically exerting a pushing force onto the crust either upward or downward along a radius from the centre of the earth to the surface.
  • They usually occur on a large scale hence called epeirogenic (slow large scale uplift) and may involve vertical uplift or subsidence.

Possibly the result of isostatic readjustment, or warping and titling may be on a local scale especially around the coast, thus affecting the relative level of land and sea and therefore the nature of the coastline. Also lead to warping and tilting.

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