Measures to improve agricultural productivity in Uganda

Measures to improve agricultural productivity in Uganda

  • The government has embarked on increased agricultural education at the Universities and institutes to develop agricultural personnel
  • Setting up of demonstration farms such as Aswa rand in Kitgum
  • Strengthening security throughout the country such as in Northern Uganda
  • Mechanization of agricultureforgreat output is done at Kasuku and Toro Tea estate
  • Diversification and creation of external markets for example from South Sudan has boosted agricultural productivity.
  • Group farming is being encouraged e.g. through the “Send a cow” programme. High quality livestock are given to local groups emphasizing the increase of quality and quantity in Kayunga, Mukono, Wakiso, Mbarara and Kiruhura.
  • The ministry of agriculture is providing incenticives to farmers such as seeds and cassava cuttings in Teso.
  • The ministry of Agriculture has introduced fish farming at Kajjansi, Pallisa, Rukungiri, Lugazi and Entebe. Tilapia and catfish are reared.
  • The ministry of Agriculture has intensified research through NARO (National Agricultural research Organization), NAADS (National Agricultural Advisory Services so as to improve on both crop varieties as well as marketing in Mukono, Ntenjeru, Mbarara.
  • Improved storage facilities e.g. milk dairies (cooling and processing) factories such as Alpha in Mbarara, Jessa and GBK have been adopted. Milk cooling containers have also been imported and used in all major towns like Kampala, Mbarara and Masaka to preserve.
  • Soil erosion and fertility control measures have been adopted in Kigezi, Mbale and Bundibugyo where terracing, mulching and crop rotation one done. Both Artificil and Organic manure like cow dung are applied to reinstate soil fertility in Mbarara, Mbale, Masaka.
  • Spraying and use of pesticides to control pests like ticks is done in Mbarara, Kaabong and Soroti. Cattle are dipped in specially treated water to kill pests.
  • Liberization of the economy and attraction of foreign investors hav been adapted to encourage large scale production and commercial agriculture.
  • Improved transport/renovation of transport routes is being done across the country by UNRA.
  • Fighting corruption through IGG is in high gear across the country.
  • Development of security/political stability/personnel(UPDF) e.g. disarmament in Karamoja.
  • Mechanization of agriculture e.g.Provision of walking tractors in Karamoja.
  • Introduction of SACCOs/co-operatives to provide money and farm input to the farmers is being done across the country.
  • Establishment of agro-processing industries e.g. tomato processing factory in Luwero,milk processing factory in Mbarara.
  • Changing land tenure system e.g. land consolidation in Kabale/provision of land to investors.
  • Irrigation farming e.g. Mobuku, Olweyi rice scheme (Lira), Kibimba rice scheme (Tilda Uganda)
  • Construction of valley dams e.g. in Karamoja and Nakasongola.
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