Methods of wage payment

Methods of wage payment

(a)  Sliding scale method (Wage index system).  This is where wage payment is related to the cost of living.   Workers are paid more if the cost of living is high and are paid less if it is low.

(b) Bonus system (Wage drift).   This  is  where  workers   are  paid  extra  pay  for  the  work  done  in addition  to their normal  pay rate  for the minimum  work  they are supposed  to do.

(c) Payment in kind.    This  is  where   a worker   is  paid  in terms  of  goods   for  the  work   done   for example  giving bunches  of bananas  to those working  in a banana  plantation.

(d) Time rate system.  This is where a fixed wage is paid to a worker after working for a given time for example a month, a week etc. OR .This is where a worker is paid a fixed wage according to the number of hours the worker allocates to the job.

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