Qualities of a good breeding stock

Qualities of a good breeding stock

  1. Should be free from defects like lameness etc.
  2. It should be of good color.
  3. It should be able to mature sexually early.
  4. It should have a high laying rate.
  5. It should not have pauses in egg laying.
  6. It should be non-broodiness.
  7. It should produce eggs with no abnormalities.
  8. It should be able to lay eggs for a long period of time.
  9. Should be able to produce good quality chicks.
  10. Should have a good body size incase broilers
  11. Should have a rapid growth rate.
  12. Eggs produced should have high hatchability.
  13. It should produce chicks with low mortality
  14. It should be early feathering to reduce the chances of cannibalism.

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Dr. Bbosa Science

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