Reasons for construction of Uganda Railway (1986-1901)
It seems there might be a typo in your dates. The Uganda Railway was constructed between 1896 and 1901. Here are the main reasons for its construction:
1. Strategic Military Interests:
The British wanted to secure their control over the source of the Nile River in Uganda. By having a railway, they could transport troops and supplies more efficiently, ensuring dominance over the African Great Lakes region2.
2. Economic Exploitation:
The railway would facilitate the export of resources such as coffee, tea, and minerals from the interior to the coast, boosting the colonial economy.
3. Political Influence:
Controlling the Nile was crucial for maintaining British influence in Egypt and the Suez Canal, which was a vital trade route between Europe and Asia.
4. Competition with Other Colonial Powers:
The British were in a race with other European powers to establish their presence in Africa. Constructing the railway was a way to assert their dominance and prevent rivals from gaining control over the region.
5. Development of Infrastructure:
The railway would help develop the region by connecting different parts of East Africa, promoting trade and communication.
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