Reasons why Ethiopians were defeated by the Italians by1936
The Ethiopian forces were defeated by the Italians in 1936 due to several key factors:
- Technological Superiority: The Italians had access to modern military equipment, including tanks, artillery, and aircraft, while the Ethiopians were equipped with outdated weapons. Secondly, the Italians used chemical weapons, such as mustard gas, which the Ethiopians were not prepared to counter.
- Preparedness: Italians were well prepared compared to Ethiopians making a surprise attack on Ethiopians.
- Military Strategy and Tactics: The Italian military employed advanced tactics and strategies, including coordinated attacks and the use of armored vehicles.
- Effective Communication: The Italians had better communication systems, including radio, which allowed for more efficient coordination of their forces.
- Economic support: Italy had greater economic resources to sustain a prolonged military campaign, including supplies and reinforcements.
- Logistical Support: The Italians had a well-established supply chain, ensuring that their troops were well-supplied and supported throughout the campaign.
- International Isolation: Ethiopia received limited international support, with the League of Nations imposing ineffective economic sanctions on Italy. Major Powers, such as Britain and France, chose to appease Italy to avoid escalating tensions, leaving Ethiopia isolated.
- Internal Challenges: Ethiopia faced internal political fragmentation, which hindered its ability to mount a unified resistance. Secondly, the flight of the emperor to Britain demoralized the fighters.
These factors combined to overwhelm the Ethiopian forces, leading to their defeat by the Italians in 1936.
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Dr. Bbosa Science
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