The stages of Tanzania’s Independence in 1961
The journey to Tanzania’s independence involved several key stages:
Formation of Political Organizations: Early political organizations like the Bukoba Bahaya Union (1924) and the Kilimanjaro Native Planters Association (1924) began advocating for the rights of Africans.
Tanganyika African Association (TAA): Formed in 1929, the TAA was the first national movement to address national issues, although it lacked strong leadership at the time.
In 1945 Tanganyika became a UNO trust territory: And it encouraged British to prepare Tanganyika for independence.
5th Pan African Conference in 1945: Nyerere attend and return home to implement the conference resolution.
Opposition to federation of East African Community: 1947 TAA oppose and frustrate the formation of East African Federation
UNO mission in 1952: The mission visits Tanganyika to assess African grievance. TAA present a petition to the mission calling for immediate independence. It recommended increase of Africans and Asians into the executive arm of the government to achieve competence in modern administration which was implemented by the British.
Election of Julius Nyerere the President of TAA in 1953: Nyerere was elected with the mandate to demand for independence.
Formation of TANU in 1954: Tanganyika African Association (TAA) transformed into Tanganyika African Union (TANU) aimed at forging unity and fighting for independence for Tanganyika.
Elections of 1958: Elections to legislative council were overwhelmingly won by TANU which increase its bargaining power in the demands for self-rule.
Sir Richard Turnbull: In 1958 a new British governor Turnbull was tasked to work with TANU to achieve independence of Tanganyika
Change in executive in 1959: British replaced the executive with the council of ministers in which 5 were Africans and TANU leaders. This boosted TANU leadership in the fight for independence.
1960 elections: This time TANU won all the seats except one and Nyerere became the chief Minister and was tasked to create a responsible government
1961 Independence granted: On the 1/5/1961 full internal government was created under Nyerere. On 9/12/1961 Tanganyika became an independent state and a republic country under Dr. Julius Nyerere. On 16/8/1964 Tanganyika united with Zanzibar to for the United Republic of Tanganyika which later in December 1964 transformed into Tanzania.
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