The structure of Uganda’s import and export sector   (foreign sector)

The structure of Uganda’s import and export sector   (foreign sector)


  1. Uganda mainly exports agricultural (primary) and semi-processed products.
  2. Uganda exports a few services (invisible exports) for example   tourism,   electricity,   transport, security etc.
  3. It exports minerals products on a very small scale like copper, cobalt, gold etc.
  4. Uganda’s exports include traditional and non-traditional cash crops. The traditional cash crops   include   coffee,   cotton,   tobacco,    tea etc.   and   the  non-traditional     cash   crops   include sunflower,   flowers,   simsim,   fruits  like  mangoes   guavas   etc.  Other exports   include;   fish, hides and skins.  This implies that Uganda exports a small range of products.
  5. Uganda’s exports are mainly of poor quality with low value addition. This is because they are mainly exported in their raw form. “
  6. Uganda exports a few manufactured consumer goods like textiles, plastics, mattresses,   soap, cement etc. especially to the neighboring   countries
  7. 7. Uganda’s exports face limited market. They are mainly   exported   to a few countries   like the European Union, COMESA   countries, Middle East and the rest of Africa,
  8. The prices of Uganda’s exports are low and they keep on fluctuating in international    markets. This  is because  the prices  of Uganda’s   exports  are externally  determined.


  1. Uganda mainly imports manufactured consumer commodities like textiles,   drugs,  beverages, cosmetics  etc.
  2. Uganda imports producer (capital) goods like machinery,  computers,   electric equipment etc.
  3. Uganda imports fuel and petroleum products like petrol, kerosene and diesel.
  4. Uganda imports skilled manpower in form of expatriates like engineers, doctors etc.
  5. Uganda imports military hardware in form of guns, bullets, tear gas etc.
  6. Uganda imports agricultural products like rice from Pakistan, apples from South Africa etc.

7.  Uganda’s imports are priced expensively and come from countries   like China,   Japan, Italy, Germany etc.

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