Types of Trade unions

Types of Trade unions

  1. Closed shop Trade Unions (Monopoly unions). These  are  trade  unions  which  require   employers to  employ   only  the  workers   who  are  members   of  the  trade  union   for  example   Uganda   Law Society.
  2. Open shop Trade Unions. These are trade unions   where workers   are free to get employment irrespective of whether they are members of the trade union or not.
  3. Craft unions. These are trade unions  formed  to organize  the workers  according   to their  particular skills  for example  doctors,  lawyers,  teachers  etc.
  4. Industrial unions. These   are trade unions   which   attempt   to organize   workers   in a  particular industry  regardless   of  the  type  of job  done  by  the  workers.   Members   are accepted   regardless   of their place of work, nature of work and qualifications   etc.  for example  Uganda  National   Teachers’ Union  etc.
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