What are remedies to Uganda’s (LDC) economic structure

What are remedies to Uganda’s (LDC) economic structure

The following are proposed remedies

The large subsistence sector can be reduced by the following measures

  • There is need to establish, provide and maintain adequate infrastructures such roads and electricity supply to stimulate production in rural areas
  • Value addition to agricultural products to attract high prices
  • Cooperative movements should be fostered to encourage production and joint marketing
  • Provision of credit facilities to the farmers
  • Diversification within agriculture sector
  • Access to inputs such as fertilizers and tractors

The import-export structure can be changes through

  • Import restrictions to minimized expenditure of foreign exchange
  • Export promotions
  • Government should encourage industrial development

Economic dependence can be reduced by

  • Control population growth rate
  • Providing and improving education system to provide skilled manpower
  • Improved tax system for internal financing
  • Promotion of technological research and innovation
  • Development and provision of communication and information technology


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