The role of government in promoting agricultural development

06/19/2024 0

Liberalization of agriculture enabling private investors. Construction of dams and setting up irrigation schemes to enable cropping throughout the year. Provision of agricultural inputs such ... Read More

Importance of extension workers in rural agricultural development

06/19/2024 0

 They train and educate farmers on modern farming practices to boost agricultural productivity. They encourage people in farming business to improve rural livelihoods They empower ... Read More

What are the effects of change in supply and demand on the price of a commodity?

06/18/2024 0

Increase in demand may result into increase in price. Decrease in demand may result into decrease in price. increase in supply may result into decrease ... Read More

Importance of inventory records of a farm

06/18/2024 0

used to calculate the value of farm assets or financial position of a farm Well-maintained inventory records can help farmers obtain bank loans. Lenders often require ... Read More

Factors that determine the type of record to keep on the farm

06/18/2024 0

Nature of the farm i.e. livestock, poultry etc. Size of the farm Number of enterprises on the farm Skills and ability of the farm manager ... Read More

Farm documents

06/18/2024 0

Documents on daily activities Order forms, invoices and Receipts Cash book and payment receipt record book Inventory record which shows a list of items present ... Read More

Importance of record keeping on a farm

06/18/2024 0

Tracking animal and worker healthy Ensuring tax compliance Tracking revenue and expenses Financial requirements for lenders, government agencies and insurance Farm planning and forecasting based ... Read More

Limitations of e-marketing in Uganda

06/18/2024 0

Computer illiteracy of farmers/producers and customers Remotes/lack of connection Lack of/unsteady electricity in rural areas to enable use of computers Language problems Technology dependence: E-marketing ... Read More

Advantages of e-marketing

06/18/2024 0

Cheap Has a global reach Enable farmers/produces and customers to access information on commodities and prices Fast communication Easy access to information Good day Dr. ... Read More


06/18/2024 0

It is the marketing of goods and services through internet. Read More

Reasons why agricultural credit scheme has not been very successful in Uganda

06/18/2024 0

High interest rate High financial illiteracy level of farmers. Unstable weather Insecurity in some area Price fluctuation Poor market Dishonesty among borrowers Lack of security/collateral ... Read More

Steps taken by credit institutions to overcome credit problems

06/17/2024 0

Educating farmers to promote their knowledge of the use of credit. Proper supervision of farmers Ensuring flexibility in loan repayment collection Reduction of interest rates ... Read More

Problems encountered by Ugandan farmer in the use and repayment of credit

06/17/2024 0

High interest rates charged. Crop failure and animal death due to calamities. Theft by farm employees Price fluctuation Unplanned loans Improper record keeping Poor farm ... Read More

Constraints in budget making on a farm

06/17/2024 0

Lack of skill Illiteracy of among farmers in developing countries Lack of information on prices and sources of inputs Price instability Risks and uncertainties budget ... Read More

Information required making a budget

06/17/2024 0

Scheduled expenditure Scheduled income Planned expansion Read More

Promissory note

06/17/2024 0

A promissory note is a legally binding agreement in which one party promises in writing to pay a given sum of money to another party. ... Read More

Importance of budgeting on a farm

06/17/2024 0

Informed Decisions: Budgets help farmers make informed decisions about their operations and financial strategies. Resource Management: They provide a roadmap for managing resources efficiently and ... Read More

Measures to improve efficiency of farm

06/17/2024 0

Farm efficiency is the ability to achieve maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense Farm efficiency leads to less waste, more income and better ... Read More

Qualitative inorganic chemistry for A-level students

06/17/2024 0

It involves use of observations and chemicals to identify in ions in a given compound usually identified by a letter such as K, P, Q ... Read More

Qualitative inorganic chemistry for A-level students

06/14/2024 1

Qualitative inorganic chemistry for A-level students It involves use of observations and chemicals to identify in ions in a given compound usually identified by a ... Read More

Livestock diseases, causes, symptoms, treatment and cotrol

06/12/2024 0

(a) Anthrax Cause: bacteria (bacillus anthracis) Mode of transmission: contact with tissues/ fluids of infected animals Symptoms High fever Dysentery Brown up/swollen stomach Blood oozes ... Read More

Pig production

06/12/2024 1

Terms used Sow: this is a female pig, which has already farrowed Boar: it’s a male mature pig. Gilt: a young female pig, which has ... Read More

Poultry management in Uganda

06/12/2024 0

Poultry are birds that have been selected and domesticated by man, e.g. Domestic fowl, chicken, ducks, Turkey, geese, guineas fowl. Importance of poultry Provide meat ... Read More

Small ruminant production in Uganda

06/12/2024 0

Small ruminants are kept for milk, meat and skins. The main animals here are sheep and goats Systems of small ruminant production in Uganda In ... Read More

Livestock management

06/12/2024 0

Livestock includes all animals kept on a farm for economic purposes e.g. pigs, cattle, goats, sheep, camel, chicken, ducks, bees, pigeons, turkeys etc. Importance of ... Read More

Factors that influence the rate of meat spoilage

06/11/2024 0

Disease: diseased meat spoil faster Temperature: high temperature increase the rate of spoilage Handling conditions unhygienic handling increased the rate of spoilage Slaughter conditions: contamination ... Read More

The criteria used to assess the quality of meat produced on the farm animals

06/11/2024 0

Appearance: fresh meat of good quality is transparent, reddish and with smooth muscle fibres Odor and flavor Juiciness Tenderness Freshness Absence of infection lesions Lack ... Read More

Steps involved in slaughtering of animals in an abattoir 

06/11/2024 0

Putting animals in a holding yard and allowing them to rest in order to conserve glycogen in the body which at slaughter is converted to ... Read More

The objectives of breeding farm animals 

06/11/2024 0

To increase the yield of milk and meat of farm animals To increase adaptability of farm animals to local environmental conditions. Increase the growth rate ... Read More

The criteria used in measuring breeding efficiency

06/11/2024 0

-  number of offspring produced by an animal in lifetime - number of services per conception - percentage of non-return - percentage of pregnancy in ... Read More

The precaution taken during the dipping of animals

06/11/2024 0

Do not dip thirsty animal as it may be tempted to drink the Acaricide Animals should not be wetted before dipping not to dilute the ... Read More

Factors that canmake meat unfit for human consumption

06/11/2024 0

Infection by foreign bodies like e.g. tapeworm; such meat can infect the consumer If animal died from a poison may poison the consumer Animal died ... Read More

Flushing of ewes

06/11/2024 0

Flushing is the practice of providing extra nutrition (usually energy) to ewes/does prior to and during the early part of the breeding season. Flushing increases weight gain ... Read More

Milk separator

06/11/2024 0

A milk or cream separator is a device that removes cream from whole milk. Cream and skim milk can be separated because they have different densities and therefore, ... Read More

How to improve beef production in Uganda

06/11/2024 0

Introduction of quality beef breed Upgrading local breeds through cross breeding Improved veterinary extension services Education of the farmer on livestock management Supplementing local feeds ... Read More

The factors that have made local breed of cattle to be able to live in tropic without much care

06/11/2024 0

They are resistant to high temperature They are resistant to pest and disease Can walk long distances in search of water and pasture Have few ... Read More

How does oxytocin cause milk let down

06/11/2024 0

Contraction of muscles around alveoli cells Relaxation of muscles around annular fold Relaxation of the muscles around the milk duct   Dr. Bbosa Science Read More

Ways in which farm animals adapt to high temperature

06/11/2024 0

Vasodilation and sweating Take a lot of water Reducing metabolic rate Reduced activity Seek shade Hair lowered Sheep have light colored hide to reflect heat ... Read More

Effect of high temperatures on animal production

06/11/2024 0

High temperature stresses animals and reduces feed intake hence low production Stress caused by high temperature influences the protein and fat composition of milk or ... Read More

Dewlap of cattle

06/10/2024 0

Dewlap is a loose fold of skin that hangs from the neck of cattle Read More

Problem keeping exotic cattle breeds

06/10/2024 0

They are susceptible to diseases especially tick-borne disease leading to high expenses in treatment and prevention Are more labor intensive Do not withstand drought Need ... Read More

Milking Salve meaning

06/10/2024 0

Milking Salve is an anthelminthic, antifungal agent which is applied to the cow's udder prior to milking to help prevent sores and dry cracks on the ... Read More

Causes of egg abnormalities in poultry

06/10/2024 0

Genetical for example physiological defects of uterus Harsh environmental conditions causing bird to breath too much reducing the available carbon dioxide for making the eggshell ... Read More

The features/qualities of a good pigsty

06/10/2024 0

Have a permanent roof to protect the pigs from rain and sunshine Strong smooth walls to avoid scratching the pigs or cause bruise Adequate ventilators ... Read More

Female reproductive system of chicken/poultry

06/10/2024 0

Ovary produces ova Infundibulum: it’s where fertilization takes place and also the formation of yolk sac takes place here. The egg takes about ¼ an ... Read More

Ways of determining a good layer bird in a breeding stock

06/10/2024 0

Check to find out whether the vent is large, oval and moist For a good layer the crop should be large For a good layer ... Read More

Reasons for grooming cattle

06/10/2024 0

Grooming is an important behaviour for cattle. It helps them to keep a healthy coat and skin by removing dirt and parasites. Cattle groom themselves ... Read More

The causes of milk hold-up

06/10/2024 0

Poor handling of animal prior to milking which induces the animal to produce adrenalin which cuts off blood supply to the udder and so causing ... Read More

Effects of hormone on milk production

06/10/2024 0

Hormones initiate milk secretion e.g. prolactin, ACTH, somatrophin (SHT) and thyrotropin (TSF) Hormone control milk letdown e.g. oxytocin Hormones control milk up hold e.g. adrenaline ... Read More

Factor affecting the quality (composition) and quality (yield) of milk

06/10/2024 0

Breed: Friesians produce large amounts of milk but of low butter fat while the indigenous produce less milk of high butter fat. Age: older cows ... Read More

Problems facing the pig industry

06/09/2024 0

Diseases: a serious disease like swine fever / hog cholera has caused serious losses to farmers in the pig industry. Pigs are non-ruminant hence complete ... Read More

Factors to consider before starting a pig enterprise

06/09/2024 0

Type of breed: the breed chosen should be the one needed in the market and one adopted with the environment Food supply: a constant supply ... Read More

Advantages of rearing pigs

06/09/2024 0

Pigs require a small area since they can be confined under the intensive system of management and do not require a large area of grazing ... Read More

Terms relating to pig rearing/production

06/09/2024 0

Sow: this is a female pig, which has already farrowed Boar: it’s a mature male pig. Gilt: a young female pig, which has not yet ... Read More

Precautions to take during vaccination of birds/poultry

06/09/2024 0

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions regarding the use of vaccines. Avoid exposing vaccines to high temperatures during transit. Store vaccines in a deep freezer before use. ... Read More

Factors to consider when planning a vaccination program for birds/poultry.

06/09/2024 0

Age of the bird: Some vaccines are administered to a day-old chicks e.g. new cattle diseases or after a week. Genetic resistance of the flock: ... Read More

Qualities of a good breeding stock

06/09/2024 0

Should be free from defects like lameness etc. It should be of good color. It should be able to mature sexually early. It should have ... Read More

Sexing of chicks and methods of sexing chicks

06/09/2024 0

Sexing is the grouping of chicks according to their sex. Methods of sexing Vent method This is based on observation of the vent where the ... Read More

Factors essential for incubation and proper hatching of egg

06/09/2024 0

Temperature: This has to be effectively controlled between 32.20C – 37.20C. Higher temperatures can cause death of embryos especially from the 19th day of incubation ... Read More