Angle construction-upper primary mathematics

Angle construction-upper primary mathematics

Constructing Angles of 60º, 120º, 30º, 150, 90º and 450

How to construct an angle of 600.

(i) Draw a line and select point A.

(ii) With a compass placed at A make an arc BC.

(iii) Without adjusting the compass, place the compass at B and make an arc A-D to intersect with arc BC at E

(iv) Connect A to E and angle BAE = 600

How to construct angle 300

By bisecting angle 600.

(i) Construct angle 600 as in (a) and bisect it as follows

(ii) Place a compass at E and make an arc FG

(iii) Without adjusting the size of compass; place it at B and make an arc HI to intersect at J

(iv) Draw a line from A through J

(v) Angle JAB = 300


How to prepare angle 15

By bisecting angle 300

(ii) Place a compass at K and make an arc NO

(iii) Without adjusting the size of compass; place it at B and make an arc LM to intersect at P

(iv) Draw a line from A through P

(v) Angle JAB = 150

How to prepare 1200

1200 = 1800 – 600

How to construct angle 900

  • Draw a straight line and mark points AB
  • Place a compass at point A and make arcs 1-2 and 3- 4
  • Without adjusting the compass, place it at point B and make arcs 5-6 and 7- 8
  • Draw through the intersection of arcs at C and D to meet line AB at E
  • Angle CEB = 900.


  • Draw a line and mark point A
  • Using a compass mark points B and C equidistant from A
  • Place a compass  at point B and make an arc 1-2.
  • Without adjusting the length of a compass, place it at C and make an arc 3-4 to intersect with arc 1-2 at D.
  • Draw a line at A through D
  • Angle DAC = 900.


How to prepare 450

By bisecting angle 900

  • Prepare an angle 900
  • Place a compass at E and mark points F and G.
  • Place a compass at F and make an arc 9-10.
  • Without adjusting the compass place it at G and make an arc 11- 12 to intersect with arc 9 – 10 at H.
  • Connect E to H
  • Angle HEG = 450


How to bisect a line AB

  • Place a protractor at A and make arcs 1-2 and 3-4.
  • Without adjusting the size of the compass place it at B and arc 5-6 to intersect arc 1-2 at C; then make arc 7-8 to intersect arc 3-4 at D.
  • Draw a perpendicular bisector through C and D.

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Angle construction- upper primary

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    Mukisa 3 years

    Digital teachers are the best teachers

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    Jeremie Habumugisha 2 years

    hello I am Jeremie, I am a teacher of Mathematics in O level here in Rwanda. I have seen that this website can help in my teaching. I have seen that Mathematics in O level does not have answers as you did it in physics. please if possible you can upload it.

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    Da Ghost 2 years

    Why can’t you upload
    Full o level mathematics Notes

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    JAGWARA OBOTH 2 years

    This is great. Help with the new curriculum for senior one. Thank very much and may God bless you always

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    Really the best of all,thanks very much

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