Category: Physics questions and answers

Explain why bicycle frame are hollow.

10/03/2021 4

  Bicycle frame is hollow to reduce weight while maintain strength. A tube is significantly tougher to bend than a rod. Also to reduce the ... Read More

Explain the origin of lift force on the wings of a plane.

10/03/2021 203

Air flows above the wing of a plane at high velocity hence low pressure. Below the wings, air flows at low velocity and hence high ... Read More

Write Bernoulli’s equation and define each term in the equation.

10/03/2021 1565

Bernoulli’s equation   Please Subscribe to promote this website. Subscription is free Share with a friend Your comment is valuable Thank you so much Read More

Describe an experiment to verify the law the law of floatation.

10/03/2021 1095

Overflow can is filled with water up to spout level An object is lowered in the can until it floats. The displaced water is collected ... Read More

State the law of flotation

10/03/2021 2

  A law of floatation states that a floating body displaces its own weight of fluid in which it floats.   Please Subscribe to promote ... Read More

State and illustrate Archimedes’ principle.

10/03/2021 1

Archimedes’ Principle: when a body is wholly or partially immersed in a fluid, it experiences an up thrust force equal to the weight of the ... Read More

Define simple harmonic motion.

10/03/2021 1

Simple harmonic motion is the motion of a body whose acceleration is directed towards a fixed point and is directly proportional to the displacement of ... Read More

Explain why a cyclist bends inward while going round a curved path.

10/03/2021 0

A cyclist bends inwards while going round a curved path to counter balance  centripetal force  provided by friction between the tyres and the road such ... Read More

What is centripetal acceleration as applied to circular motion?

10/03/2021 0

Centripetal acceleration is the rate of change of velocity of a body moving in a circular path.   Please Subscribe to promote this website. Subscription ... Read More

State the laws of friction and explain each of them

10/03/2021 1

State the laws of friction and explain each of them Friction force oppose relative motion between surfaces in contact. Explanation; surfaces have projections with small ... Read More

State the conditions necessary for equilibrium of a rigid body under action of a system of forces. 

10/03/2021 0

State the conditions necessary for equilibrium of a rigid body under action of a system of forces. The sum of clock wise moments about a ... Read More

Explain briefly how to locate the centre of gravity of an irregular sheet of cardboard. 

10/03/2021 0

Explain briefly how to locate the centre of gravity of an irregular sheet of cardboard. three holes are drilled around the edge of the cardboard. ... Read More

Define moment of force and give its SI unit

10/03/2021 0

Define moment of force and give its SI unit. Moment of force is the product of force and perpendicular distance from the line of action ... Read More

State Newton’s law of motion and use them to derive the law of conservation of momentum.

10/03/2021 1

Newton's laws of motion A body continues in its state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line unless acted upon by an external ... Read More

Modern physic (A-level paper 1 section C) Revision questions and answers

08/12/2021 0

(a) (i) What are cathode rays? (01marks) Cathode rays are streams of fast moving electrons (ii) State two properties of cathode rays (01mark) They are ... Read More

Current electricity, Electrostatics and capacitor revision questions and answers ( A-level physics paper 2 section C)

08/07/2021 14

1. (a) State Coulomb’s law of electrostatics (01marks) Coulomb’s law states that the force between two point charges is directly proportional to the product of ... Read More

Geometrical optic (light) revision questions and answers

07/17/2021 2

Geometrical optic revision questions and answers 1. (a) (i) derive the relationship, for convex lens, where u is the object distance, v is the image ... Read More

Waves A-level revision questions with answers

07/13/2021 5

(a) What is meant by interference pattern as applied to waves. (03marks) When two sound waves meet they superpose. The interference pattern produced depends on ... Read More

Magnetism (A-level revision questions with answers)

07/11/2021 0

1. (a)(i) Write down an expression for the force on a charge, q coulombs moving with velocity, u, at an angle, α, to a uniform ... Read More

Explain why a current carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field experiences a force

06/26/2021 0

Explain why a current carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field experiences a force The current sets up magnetic field around the wire. When the ... Read More

How can a d.c. generator be converted into an a.c. generator.

05/29/2021 0

How can a d.c. generator be converted into an a.c. generator. To convert a d.c. generator to an a.c. generator, the ends of the rectangular ... Read More

Explain the variation of successive ionization energy of an atom

05/22/2021 2

The variation of successive ionization energy of an atom Successive ionization energy increases due to increase increases in effective nuclear charge on the remaining electrons ... Read More

With the aid of a diagram describe the structure and action of reflecting telescope

04/11/2021 0

With the aid of a diagram describe the structure and action of reflecting telescope. Please subscribe to promote our website. Subscription is free. Thank you ... Read More

Explain why chromatic aberration is not observed in simple microscope.

04/11/2021 0

Explain why chromatic aberration is not observed in simple microscope. Please subscribe to promote our website. Subscription is free. Thank you so much Read More

Draw the action of astronomical telescope in normal adjustment and derive an expression for magnification.

04/11/2021 119

Draw the action of astronomical telescope in normal adjustment and derive an expression for magnification. Note, when an astronomical telescope is in normal adjustment, the ... Read More

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Galilean telescope?

04/11/2021 0

What are the advantages of Galilean telescope? Advantages Forms an erect image with only two lenses. It short and potable because the distance between the ... Read More

Draw a ray diagram to show the formation of a final image in Galilean telescope in normal adjustment.

04/11/2021 0

Draw a ray diagram to show the formation of a final image in Galilean telescope in normal adjustment. Please subscribe to promote our website. Subscription ... Read More

Describe with aid of a labelled diagram the structure and operation of a projection lantern.

04/11/2021 1

Describe with aid of a labelled diagram the structure and operation of a projection lantern. Please subscribe to promote our website . Subscription is free. ... Read More

State advantages of reflecting telescope over refracting telescope.

04/11/2021 0

State advantages of reflecting telescope over refracting telescope. There is no chromatic aberration There is no spherical aberration High resolution The image is brighter It ... Read More

What is the significance of the eye-ring of an astronomical telescope?

04/11/2021 0

What is the significance of the eye-ring of an astronomical telescope? It is the best position for placing the eye, to view the image through ... Read More

Define the Eye-ring as applied to a telescope?

04/11/2021 0

Define the Eye-ring as applied to a telescope. This is the image of objective formed by the eyepiece and is the best position to place ... Read More

Describe with aid of a diagram, a compound microscope forms image at near point

04/11/2021 0

Describe with aid of a diagram, a compound microscope forms image at near point. Please subscribe to promote our website. Subscription is free. Thank you ... Read More

State differences between a compound microscope and an astronomic telescope.

04/11/2021 1

State differences between a compound microscope and an astronomic telescope. Compound microscope Astronomical telescope -          View near objects -          Objective lens has smaller      ... Read More

Why should the objective and eye piece for compound microscope have short focal length?

04/11/2021 0

Why should the objective and eye piece for compound microscope have short focal length? Please subscribe to promote our website. Subscription is free. Thank you ... Read More

Draw a diagram to show the formation of an image by a compound microscope in in normal adjustment and use it to derive an expression for magnifying power

04/11/2021 0

Draw a diagram to show the formation of  an image by a compound microscope in in normal adjustment and use it to derive an expression ... Read More

Derive an expression for magnifying power of magnifying glass when the final image is formed at near point.

04/11/2021 0

Derive an expression for magnifying power of magnifying glass when the final image is formed at near point. Please subscribe to promote our website. Subscription ... Read More

State disadvantages of terrestrial telescope.

04/11/2021 0

State disadvantages of terrestrial telescope. It long and bulky due extra image inverting lens Extra diffraction occurs in erecting lens reducing the clarity of the ... Read More

What is angular magnification (magnifying power, M)?

04/11/2021 0

What is angular magnification (magnifying power, M)? This is the ratio of the angle subtended at the eye by the image when using an instrument ... Read More

What is a visual angle (α)?

04/11/2021 0

What is a visual angle (α)? This is the angle subtended by the object at the unaided eye.   Please subscribe to promote our website. ... Read More