Explain the concept of optimum population

Explain the concept of optimum population

The concept of optimum population

The optimum population is the ideal population which when combined with other available resources or means of production of a country yields maximum return or income per head.

Features  of optimum population

  • There is high production with maximum average product (AP)
  • There is full utilization of resources since the existing population size equal to available resource
  • There is advanced technology which is constant
  • The birth rate is equal to death rate as there is no natural population growth.
  • There is economic stability as aggregate demand is equal to aggregate supply
  • There is full employment of labour as there are no problems of unemployment and under employment
  • There is zero net migration i.e. migration is equal to emigration
  • The resources are evenly distributed according to regions so that there is no overpopulation or under population
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