Why is the government policy of encouraging Ugandans to stay in rural area likely to meet obstacles in its implementation?

Why is the government policy of encouraging Ugandans to stay in rural area likely to meet obstacles in its implementation?

  • Localization of industries in town increase employment opportunities in towns and there encourages rural-urban migration
  • High wage gap; the difference between the wages paid to worker in urban areas and rural area is high prompting people to migrate to urban areas for higher pay.
  • Social service gap: there are better infrastructures such as roads, schools, hospitals in towns than in villages encouraging rural-urban migration
  • Increase in population in rural areas; high production rate in rural areas cause population pressures in the rural area causing some of them to move to urban areas.
  • Political instabilities; the common political instabilities in rural area force people to migrate to urban areas
  • Low prices for agricultural products: low income from agricultural produces forces to people to move to urban areas in search for high income from wages
  • Lack of credit facilities; credit facilities are mostly in urban areas
  • Land and other conflicts in rural areas cause people to migrate to urban areas
  • Weak implementation machinery; there is no obvious effective implementation machinery
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