Demerits of inward-looking industrial development strategy  or import substitution industrial development strategy

Demerits of inward-looking industrial development strategy  or import substitution industrial development strategy

  • It leads to unemployment due to use of capital intensive techniques of production
  • Encourage profit repatriation since most factory owners are foreigners
  • It promotes monopolistic tendencies as industries are expensive to start
  • Leads to wastage of resources due to limited domestic consumer market
  • Due to high production costs it leads to cost push inflation
  • High protectionism leads to inefficiency of domestic industries and inferior goods and services
  • Protectionism is very expensive to implement
  • Encourage use of imported inputs such as machinery leading to imported inflation
  • Low standards of living due to limited variety
  • It leads to rural-urban migration because of localization of industries in urban areas
  • import substitution industries concentrate on production of consumer goods instead of capital assets. this limits the rate of investment for the future.
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