Benefits (advantages)   of economic growth

Benefits (advantages)   of economic growth

  1. It facilitates the exploitation   and utilization   of the idle local resources.   This increases   the level of national income in the economy.
  2. It increases government    revenue   through   taxation.   Economic   growth  widens   the  tax  base  inform  of  numerous    production    activities    set  up  hence   generating    more   tax  revenue   to   the government,   The  revenue   realized   is used  to construct   social  and  economic   infrastructure    like hospitals,  roads,  schools  etc.
  3. It leads to a fall in the general price level of goods and services hence improving   the standards of living of the people.  As the economy  grows,  a variety  of goods  and services  are produced  and this results  into a fall in the general  price  levels  hence  an increase  in the volume  of commodities consumed.
  4. It facilitates technological development   in the country.   Economic   growth encourages   the use of modem   production   techniques   through   inventions   and innovations   hence increasing   efficiency in production.
  5. It improves the balance   of payment    position    of the   country.    As  the  economy    grows   the production   of goods  and  services  for both  the  domestic   market  and  for exports   increases.   This helps the country to save and earn foreign exchange hence better balance of payment position.
  6. It leads to an increase in employment opportunities.    This is in form of increased   resource utilization   and other economic activities set up. This increases the income of the people.
  7. It leads to the development of social   and economic    infrastructure.     As  the  economy   grows, there  is development   of social  and economic   infrastructures   in form of roads,  schools,  hospitals, financial  institutions   etc. so as to facilitate  trade  in the economy.
  8. It promotes urbanization    and industrialization     of the economy.   This is as a result of increased number of production   and economic activities.
  9. It reduces the dependence of the economy    on other   economies.    As the economy   grows,   per capita income raises and this leads to an increase in self-reliance   and sustenance   of the economy.
  10. It improves the standards of  living   of the  people.   This  is  due  to  increased   production    of  a variety  of goods  and  services  at reduced  prices  in the economy.  This increases   consumption   and utility maximization   by the people.                                                                                                                 .
  11. It reduces income inequalities    in the economy.  As  the  economy   grows,  it is possible   for  the government   to redistribute   part  of  the increased   employment   opportunities   and  income  through the use of appropriate   government   policies  like progressive   taxation.
  12. It increases the monetization    of the economy.   This is because economic   growth promotes   trade and commerce   in the economy.
  13. It breaks  the  vicious  circle  of poverty. As output    expands,   savings  and  incomes   increase  there by breaking  the vicious  circle  of poverty .
  14.  It promotes social cultural transformation.     As the economy grows there is a change of life style of people as a result of increased   incomes.   This  helps  to  break  the  remove   the  high  levels  of conservatism   and backward   cultures  which  are obstacles  to development.
  15. Promotes development of labour and entrepreneurial skills
  16. Widen consumers’ choice
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