Components (Elements) of an economic development strategy

Components (Elements) of an economic development strategy

  1. Choice of   broad   objectives.   That    is   economic     growth,    price    stability,     infrastructural development   etc.
  2. Choice f technology. That   is   either   capital    intensive,    labour    intensive    or   intermediate technology
  3. Choice of trade orientation. That   is   either   inward   looking   strategy,    (import    substitution industrialization        strategy)   or outward    looking    strategy   (export   promotion    industrialization strategy)
  4. Choice of the leading sector that will achieve either balanced growth or unbalanced growth and development.   That is either industrial development   or agricultural   development
  5. Choice of social – economic system. That is market, command or mixed economy.
  6. Choice of the source of investment finance. That is either domestic savings or external sources.
  7. Choice the implementation machinery.   That   is   either   private,    public,   joint    ventures    or community   based  projects.
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