Differences between Banking and Non-banking financial intermediaries

Differences between Banking and Non-banking financial intermediaries

Banking  Financial Intermediaries


Non-Bank financial Intermediaries
1.  They  create  credit  which  is considered   as money  (deposit  money)

2.  They  lend on short term  basis

3.  They pay lower  interest  rates  on deposits

4.  They maintain  short term  deposits

5. They undertake  less investment   risks

6. They charge high interest rates on borrowers.

1. They do not create credit.   They just lend funds got from surplus spending units.

2.  They usually lend on long term basis.

3.  They pay higher interest rates on deposits.

4.  They maintain long term deposits.

5.  They undertake   greater investment   risks.

6.  They  charge  low interest  rates  on borrowers




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