Possible solutions   to the manpower problems in developing countries

Possible solutions   to the manpower problems in developing countries

  1. Education reforms.  The education   system   should   be made practical   and relevant.    Vocational subjects should be emphasized   to encourage job creators.
  2. There is need to train labour in accordance with the socio-economic needs of the country.  This can be implemented   by the ministry of economic development   and planning.
  3. There should be a reduction in the use of expatriates and more trust should be put in the local manpower.
  4. Industrialization. Industries    should   be   set up   especially    in   rural   areas   in   order    to   create employment   opportunities  in the  rural  areas  and  discourage   people   from  migrating    from  rural areas  to urban  centers  in search  of employment   opportunities.
  5. Encouraging the   use   of   appropriate   techniques    of production    to   create    employment opportunities   for the population   instead of using capital intensive   techniques that displace   labour.
  6. Population control through family  planning  as  a means  of  increasing   employment    in  the  long run. This is because reduced population   growth rates reduce the number of future jobs seekers.
  7. There should be improvement in the wages paid to workers so as to improve on their standards of living.  This can help to improve on labour productivity.
  8. Brain drain  can be solved  by the government  adopting strict emigration laws and  even  the home remuneration   package  of the educated  people  should  be improved.
  9. Diversification of economic  activities  in  the  rural  areas  to  reduce   dependence    on  nature   that causes  seasonal  unemployment   and seasonal  migration   of people  from rural  to urban  centers.
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