Hygroscopic, deliquensce, efflorescence (O-level chemistry)

Hygroscopic, deliquensce, efflorescence (O-level chemistry)

Three ways in which the atmosphere may react with substance:

1.         Hygroscope

A hygroscopic substance is one, which absorbs water from the atmosphere e.g. copper oxide, anhydrous copper sulphate, calcium oxide. Liquids like concentrated sulphuric acid that have a high affinity for water can also be described as being hygroscopic. Hygroscopic substances are used as drying agents.

II         Deliquescence:  is the absorbing of water from the atmosphere by a solid to form a solution e.g. calcium chloride, sodium hydroxide, zinc chloride, and Iron III chloride

III        Efflorescence:  is the giving up of water of crystallization by a crystal to the atmosphere e.g. hydrated sodium carbonate, hydrated sodium sulphate

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Hygroscopic, deliquensce, efflorescence

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Compiled by Dr. Bbosa Science

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