Conditions in cattle can lead to muscular spasms, uncoordinated movement, and paralysis. 

Conditions in cattle can lead to muscular spasms, uncoordinated movement, and paralysis. 

  1. Milk fever
  2. Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) or mad cow disease
  3. Botulism: Caused by the toxin produced by Clostridium botulinum bacteria, botulism can lead to muscle weakness, paralysis, and difficulty coordinating movements in cattle.
  4. Lead Poisoning: Ingestion of lead-contaminated feed or water can result in neurological symptoms, including muscle spasms and paralysis.
  5. Rabies: Although rare in cattle, rabies can cause aggressive behavior, muscle spasms, and paralysis.
  6. Grass Tetany (Hypomagnesemia): A deficiency of magnesium can lead to muscle tremors, spasms, and uncoordinated movements.
  7. Polioencephalomalacia (PEM): PEM is a thiamine deficiency that affects the brain and spinal cord, causing neurological signs such as muscle tremors and paralysis.

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Dr. Bbosa Science

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