Factors essential for incubation and proper hatching of egg

Factors essential for incubation and proper hatching of egg

  1. Temperature:

This has to be effectively controlled between 32.20C – 37.20C. Higher temperatures can cause death of embryos especially from the 19th day of incubation onwards.

Chicks hatched from high temperatures are smaller, lack alertness, have crooked toes, and necks.  While low temperatures cause late and poor hatchability of eggs.

  1. Humidity:

Chicken eggs require humidity of 60% during the first 18 days, then 70% later.

Low humidity causes excessive loss of moisture from eggs resulting into small and hard chicks.  High humidity may result into large chicks and may delay hatching.

  1. Air supply

21% oxygen is required in the incubator to allow adequate gas exchange between the embryo and out side

  1. Turning of eggs.

Eggs should be turned for the first 18 days of incubation once every 3hrs.  After 18 days there must be no turning. This prevents embryos from sticking to one side

5.        Egg must not have any defects like cracks and double yolks since such may not hatch

6       Providing a good nesting place to avoid breakage of eggs

7       Ensuring that the place of incubation is free from pests and vermin

8       Providing a balanced diet for the broody hen in natural incubation

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Dr. Bbosa Science

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