Differences between the flight of birds and insects

Differences between the flight of birds and insects


Differences between the flight of birds and insects

Flight in birds Flight in insects
·         All use direct muscles.

·         Rate of wing beat per second is low

·         Air penetrates wing to reduce resistance

·         Muscles are attached on endoskeleton

·         Wing is thick, made up of bones, muscles and covered by feather

·         Keel extension for muscle attachment


·         Supply of oxygen to active muscles is indirect; through blood

·         Turbulence is prevented by bastard wing


·         Flight muscles have myoglobin

Some use indirect muscles

·         Rate of wing beat per second is high

·         Air does not penetrate wing

·         Muscles are attached on exoskeleton

·         Wing is thin, membranous and made of chitin; no feather

·         Muscles are attached to tergum and sternum

·         Supply of oxygen to active muscles is direct; through tracheal system.

·         Some insect orders have halters to prevent turbulence.

·         Flight muscles lack myoglobin




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