Describe an experiment to determine the temperature dependence of saturated vapour pressure of water.

Describe an experiment to determine the temperature dependence of saturated vapour pressure of water.

Describe an experiment to determine the temperature dependence of saturated vapour pressure of water.


  • The pressure of the air in R is shown by the mercury manometer; if its height is h, the pressure in mm mercury is P = H-h, where H is the barometer height.
  • The tap is opened and the pressure above water varied using the pump to a suitable value.
  • The tap is closed and water in the flask in heated until it boil.
  • The temperature θ and difference in mercury levels, h, are noted and recorded.
  • The saturated vapour pressure, P = (H± h) is calculated
  • The procedure is repeated other values of θ and h
  • A graph of P versus θ is plotted and it shows that saturated vapour pressure, P, increases with temperature, θ.


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