Dangers (problems)  of Dualism

Dangers (problems)  of Dualism

  1. It leads to regional imbalances with the rural sector always lagging behind the urban sector.
  2. It leads to rural urban migration and its associated negative effects due to concentration of jobs and other benefits in urban areas than in rural areas.
  3. It leads to technological unemployment in case capital intensive techniques   are used in areas with abundant cheap labour.
  4. It creates difficulties in planning. That is, it becomes   difficult   to decide on which   sector to develop first. For example the case of agriculture and industry.
  5. It reduces government tax revenue due to the existence of the poor majority with low taxable capacity and existence of a large subsistence   sector.
  6. It discourages production and investment due to low aggregate demand for goods and services as the majority of the people are poor and a few are rich.
  7. Social cultural  dualism  breeds  conflicts  in  belief  and  values  and  this  leads  to  social   dis-harmony.
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