Sings of heat /estrus in cattle

Sings of heat /estrus in cattle

  • The vulva swells and becomes red in color
  • The animal urinates frequently
  • An animal on heat mounts other animals and allows others also to mount on it.
  • There is a reduction in milk yield  for lactating  vows
  • The animal becomes restless i.e. moves up and down in such for the male
  • It sniffs the vagina of another  cow
  • Licking and rubbing of each other has also been noted amongst animals on heat.
  • There is less feeding as more time is spent in walking
  • There is a slight rise  in the body temperature
  • There is mucus discharge from the vagina
  • The animal will stand still to be mounted by a bull (standing heat)
  • Makes noise

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Dr. Bbosa Science

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