Category: A-level Biology

Which one of the following types of bacteria causes the conversion of ammonia into nitrates?

10/11/2022 0

Nitrifying bacteria convert the most reduced form of soil nitrogen, ammonia, into its most oxidized form, nitrate Read More

Describe an experiment to show that more transpiration occurs in the lower epidermis than the upper epidermis of a plant leaf. 

10/10/2022 0

Two identical photometers setup are each containing a single leaf from the same potted plant but one smeared with grease on the upper epidermis  and ... Read More

Outline the fate of food after absorption

10/10/2022 0

.    Glucose, galactose and fructose are oxidized to release energy in the body  and formation of cellular structures Lipids are oxidized to produce energy, ... Read More

Adaptation of small intestine for absorption of food

10/10/2022 0

Long to allow food enough time for absorption Villi and microvilli increase surface area for absorption Well supplied by blood to carry away absorbed food ... Read More

Give the importance of organic matter in the soil.

10/08/2022 0

A soil with an adequate level of organic matter will be less erodible, have increased nutrient retention, and also be easier to work and plow. Other ... Read More

Outline precautions undertaken when assembling the potometer for use in a laboratory.

10/07/2022 0

The plant is cut in water to prevent air entering the xylem. Measurement should begin when leaves are dry. Caution should be taken when preparing ... Read More

Distinguish between transpiration and translocation?

10/07/2022 0

Transpiration is the evaporation of water from leaves in the form of water vapor. Translocation is the transportation of synthesized products in plants. Read More

Describe the changes undergone by a protein molecule from the time it is swallowed until its structural molecules are used in a cell of the skin.

10/07/2022 0

Big protein particles are broken down into small particle in the mouth by teeth. In the stomach Enzyme pepsin in presence of HCl breaks down ... Read More

How are the larva, pupa and adult of the butterfly suited to their functions?

10/07/2022 0

Larva has legs for dispersal and to look for food, it accumulates energy to be used during the pupa stage Pupa stage is a dormant ... Read More

Life cycle of butterfly

10/07/2022 0

Butterfly lays eggs that hatch into larva. The larva develop through pupa to adult Read More

Differentiate between incomplete and complete metamorphosis and in each case give two examples of insects.

10/07/2022 0

Complete metamorphosis is the type of insect development that includes egg, larva, pupal, and adult stages, e.g. butter fly, wasps, ants, and fleas, which differ ... Read More

Define the term metamorphosis

10/07/2022 0

Metamorphosis are developmental changes in form that occur as in an animal from hatching or birth to  adulthood. Read More

Give the difference in meaning of a reflex action and a voluntary action.

10/07/2022 0

Voluntary actions involve conscious thought (thinking time). Reflex actions do not involve conscious thought (thinking time) and happen very quickly to avoid unnecessary damage to ... Read More

Differences between a motor neuron and a sensory neuron

10/07/2022 0

  Effector/motor neurons   Sensory neuron 1. Transmit impulse from CNS           to the effector Transmit impulse from sense organ or receptor to the CNS cell ... Read More

Who is a carrier in biology?

10/06/2022 0

A carries is an individual who carries one deleterious allele for an autosomal recessive disorder. Read More

Special features of the whale that enable it to retain heat in cold water

10/05/2022 0

have small surface area to volume ratio Small extremities reduce surface area to volume ratio. Using their thick blubber layer as an insulator, Retaining heat ... Read More

Adaptations of the elephant to hot environment

10/05/2022 0

Large ears increase surface area for heat loss Vasodilatation in the ear when hot increase blood flow to the skin surface increasing heat loss Fan ... Read More

Special features of the elephant that enable it to lose heat while in hot climate.

10/05/2022 0

Large ears increase surface area for heat loss Vasodilatation in the ear when hot increase blood flow to the skin surface increasing heat loss Fan ... Read More

What are the 3 pivot joints in the body?

10/04/2022 0

Pivot joints allow rotation, and although you have many joints in your body, there are only three pivot joints. They are located in your neck, your ... Read More

What is the process of putrefaction?

10/04/2022 0

Putrefaction involves the decomposition of proteins, breakdown of the tissues, and liquefaction of the organs. The body is decomposed by the action of putrefying bacteria and ... Read More

What is the main purpose of the larva stages in metamorphosis?

10/04/2022 0

The main purpose of larva stage to consume energy in preparation for the huge morphological changes of the next stage of complete metamorphosis. Read More

Suggest meanings of oviparity and viviparity and ovoviviparity

10/04/2022 0

Oviparity is a mode of reproduction in which animals lay eggs. Ovoviviparity is a mode in which animals lay eggs and keep them inside the ... Read More

Ways by which plants excrete their metabolic wastes products.

10/04/2022 0

Gaseous waste (oxygen and carbon dioxide) by diffusion through the stomata and lenticel Stored solid and liquid waste by shedding leaves, peeling of bark and ... Read More

What is selective reabsorption?

10/04/2022 0

Selective reabsorption is the process whereby useful molecules (e.g. ions, glucose and amino acids), after being filtered out of the capillaries along with nitrogenous waste ... Read More

What is ultrafiltration in biology

10/04/2022 0

Ultrafiltration is the process of filtration of blood in the glomerulus under great pressure during which the liquid part of the blood i.e. plasma along ... Read More

Distinguish clearly between complete dominance and co dominance.  

10/04/2022 0

In complete dominance, the dominant gene/allele completely masks the effect of the recessive gene/allele whereas, in co-dominance neither gene/allele in the pair is dominant Or ... Read More

How trees conserve soil.

10/03/2022 0

reduce soil erosion  fallen leaves mulch the soil and keep it moist decomposing leaves add humus to the soil Some trees contain symbiotic organism that ... Read More

How deforestation harm the environment

10/03/2022 0

May cause climate change, desertification, soil erosion, fewer crops, flooding, increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and a host of problems for indigenous people It causes ... Read More

Why birds haves rigid skeleton?

10/03/2022 0

To make the skeleton sturdy  for attachment of flight muscles so that the thrust (forward force) generated by the wings can lead to maximal lift, ... Read More

Adaptations of birds to flight

10/03/2022 0

Hollow bones reduce weight has feathers  to insulate the body during flight a streamlined body – this helps reduce the force of drag wings – ... Read More

Dental formula for rabbit

10/02/2022 1

The dental formula for a rabbit is I2/1, C0/0, P3/2, and M3/3, for a total of 28 teeth Read More

Example of aggregate fruits

10/01/2022 0

A type of fruit that develops from a single flower of many simple pistils. Examples are blackberries, strawberries and raspberries where each fleshy lobe is actually an ... Read More

Example of multiple fruits

10/01/2022 1

A multiple fruit is atype of fruit that develops from the ovaries of many flowers growing in a cluster or that are fused together into ... Read More

How does air pollution affect living organisms

09/30/2022 0

Illness such as pneumonia or bronchitis, headache, nausea e.t.c Bad smell Irritation to nose, throat, eyes and skin Cause cancer Damage body organs, liver brain ... Read More

Outline the human activities that cause air pollution

09/30/2022 0

Emission from factories Emission from cars, aeroplane, aerosol cans Cigarette smocking Burning of rubbish Burning fuel such coal, kerosene Read More

What is air pollution?

09/30/2022 0

Air pollution is the presence in or introduction into the air of a substance which has harmful or poisonous effects. Read More

Describe an experiment to show that anaerobic respiration takes place in yeast.

09/29/2022 0

Yeast break down glucose (food) into ethanol, carbon dioxide and releases energy. It is a type of cellular respiration that takes place in the absence of ... Read More

Outline any four (4) functions of the human skin other than temperature regulation.

09/29/2022 0

Provides a protective barrier against mechanical, thermal and physical injury and hazardous substances. Prevents loss of moisture. Reduces harmful effects of UV radiation. Acts as ... Read More

Distinguish between excretion and secretion

09/29/2022 0

Excretion is the removal of waste metabolic products from the body. Secretion is a process by which substances are produced and discharged from a cell, ... Read More

Causes of mutation

09/28/2022 0

Ultraviolent light Chemicals Freezing of cells Read More

Define the term “mutation”

09/28/2022 0

This is a change in the amount or structure of DNA of an organism Read More

Processes in the living organism that involve osmosis

09/28/2022 0

Functions of osmosis Absorption of water by the root hair Absorption of water in the loop of Henle Absorption of water in the intestines Read More

How does the human body defend itself from disease causing germs?

09/27/2022 0

use physical barriers like your skin to prevent entry of germs produce pathogen-destroying chemicals, like lysozyme, found on parts of your body without skin, including ... Read More

with examples explain passive immunity

09/27/2022 0

A type of immunity that occurs when a person is given antibodies rather than making them through his or her own immune system. For example, ... Read More

With an example define what active immunity is?

09/27/2022 0

Active Immunity results when exposure to a disease organism triggers the immune system to produce antibodies to that disease. Active immunity can be acquired through natural ... Read More

What makes an insect are suited for flight; adaptations of insects to flying

09/27/2022 0

have streamline body have strong flight muscles have exoskeletons for attachment of flight muscles have extensive tracheal system that delivers oxygen directly to the muscles ... Read More

Give a detailed description of the mechanism of flight in insects

09/27/2022 0

Locomotion in insects Insects thorax contain two sets of antagonistic flight muscle; a pair of dorso-ventral muscle (indirect muscle- not attached to the wing) run ... Read More

Describe the menstrual cycle in man.

09/27/2022 0

The menstruation/ sexual/ oestrus cycle This cycle found in female; ensures that female reproductive physiology events are synchronised. For the uterus prepares itself for implantation ... Read More

Describe an experiment to show the action of Saliva on cooked starch

09/27/2022 2

Experiment Two test tubes A and B add equal amount of cooked starch To test tube A add 1cm3 of saliva To test tube B ... Read More

Differences between mitosis and meiosis

09/27/2022 0

    Mitosis meiosis 1. Homologous chromosomes remain separate Homologous chromosomes pair up 2 There no crossing over Crossing over occurs 3. No formation of ... Read More

Importance or significance of meiosis

09/27/2022 0

Sexual reproduction: Meiosis results in half the number of chromosomes, during fertilization the nuclei of the two gametes fuse to form a zygote restore the ... Read More

Importance or significance of mitosis

09/27/2022 0

Genetic stability: It ensures that the daughter cells carry the exact genetic material as the parent cells Growth: growth results in increase in the number ... Read More

Adaptations of intestine villi to absorption

09/27/2022 0

Villi are thin to increase surface area for absorption Well supplied by blood to carry away absorbed food so as to maintain diffusion gradient The ... Read More

Adaptation of small intestine for absorption of food

09/27/2022 0

Long to allow food enough time for absorption Villi and microvilli increase surface area for absorption Well supplied by blood to carry away absorbed food ... Read More

Which fins do fish use for braking?

09/26/2022 2

The pectoral fins along with the pelvic fins help the fish by acting as brakes and can assist the fish with difficult maneuvers Read More

In which ways does removal of a hand from a hot object differ from plant shoot growth towards light?

09/19/2022 0

Removal of hand from hot object Plant growth towards light Fast Slow Electrical and chemical Chemical Response to heat Response to light It’s effects are ... Read More

State the importance of plant response to gravity.

09/18/2022 0

Negative geotropism in primary shoot allows shoot grow towards light Positive geotropism  in the primary root that causes it to grow down into the soil, ... Read More