Contributions of lakes to the development of Uganda

Contributions of lakes to the development of Uganda

Positive contributions

  • Evaporations from lakes lead to the formation of convection rainfall in areas around them such as Mukono, Kampala around Lake Victoria.
  • Lakes allow transport and goods and services
  • Lakes like Lake victoria are source of fish for food and income for people around the lakes.
  • Lakes like Lake victoria are sources of domestic water for Kampala, Wakiso and Mukono etc.
  • Lakes provide water for irrigation
  • Lakes are used for sport/recreation such as boat riding.
  • Lakes have promoted hydroelectricity power production because they act as reservoirs for water e.g. L. Victoria provides water to R. Nile which has Owen Falls Dam for generationg HEP.
  • Lakes provide raw materials for art and crafts such as Papyrus.
  • Lakes control flooding since they provide basins into wgich riversdischarge their water. For example Lake Victoria controls flooding in places like Mukono, Jinja etc.
  • Lakes have promoted wild life conservation through provision of habitats for aquatic life.
  • Lakes promote growth of Urban centers at the landing sites and ports
  • Lakes have promoted international cooperation among countries that share lakes. For example Lake Victoria is shared among Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania.

Negative contribution

  • Lakes often cause seasonal flooding especially during seasons of heavy rains for example Amolata around L. Kyoga
  • Lakes shared by countries often lead to conflicts over boundaries for example the Bugingo incidence on L. Victoria.
  • Lakes are associated with accidents which often lead to loss of life and property.
  • Lakes promote spread of water borne diseases such as Bilharzia
  • Lakes are sources of atmospheric pollution, especially lakes that produce bad smeel for example L. Nyamunuka that has a bad smell.
  • Lakes hinder the construction of roads and other infrastructures for example Kalangala on L. Victoria.
  • Lakes encourage smuggling since is is difficult to monitor movements across borders on lakes like L. Albert, L. Victoria
  • Lakes havepromoted piracy/insecurity
  • Lakes encourage urbanization and related side effects such as poor hygiene.
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