Factors that lead to accumulation of  national debt?

Factors that lead to accumulation of  national debt?

What are the

Countries incur debts because

  • Inadequate tax revenue. Poor countries incur debts because of inadequate collections of revenues from taxes to finance government programs.
  • To reduce the burden of taxation. Borrowing is often resorted to as a means of reducing the tax burden from the people.
  • To overcome natural calamities. Debts are incurred to meet unexpected occurrence such as floods, draught.
  • Raising revenue. The government incurs national debt so as to raise adequate revenue required to for development purposes.
  • Financing ambitious plans. Government tends to draw ambitious plans that are often financed through borrowing.
  • To attain economic growth. Effective exploitation of domestic resource potential is often financed through borrowing
  • National debts are incurred to fill manpower, foreign exchange gaps and saving gaps.
  • To balance the budget. Debts are incurred to help cover unforeseen or unpredictable budgeting deficits.
  • Curbing an economic depression. Debts are quite significant for raising production, aggregate demand, employment and the level of economic activity.
  • Debt servicing. Nations incur fresh debts in order to repay the old ones
  • Political instability. Countries borrow to settle political instabilities.
  • Decreased tax revenue caused by widespread unemployment
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