Factors that promoted the development/growth of modern African Nationalism

Factors that promoted the development/growth of modern African Nationalism

Internal factors that promoted the development of modern African Nationalism

Several internal factors contributed to the development of modern African nationalism.

1. Oppressive and Brutal Colonial Policies: European colonial powers implemented exploitative policies, such as land grabs, high taxes, forced labor, and harsh treatment of Africans. These oppressive measures fueled resentment and a desire for self-determination.

2. Rise of Independent Churches: African clergy broke away from white-dominated churches to form independent churches. These churches criticized the discriminatory practices of white missionaries and played a significant role in arousing nationalistic feelings.

3. Influence of Ethiopia’s Independence: Ethiopia’s successful resistance against Italian invasion in 1935 and its subsequent independence served as an inspiration for other African nations. The victory at the Battle of Adwa in 1896 and the defeat of Italy in 1941 demonstrated that armed resistance could lead to independence.

4. Exposure to Liberal Ideas: Western education introduced by missionaries and colonial governments exposed Africans to liberal and democratic ideas. Educated Africans began to question colonial rule and demand political rights and self-governance.

5. Economic Exploitation: The economic exploitation of African resources and labor by colonial powers led to widespread poverty and economic discontent. This economic hardship motivated Africans to seek control over their resources and economic policies.

6. Cultural Revival: There was a renewed interest in African culture, traditions, and history. This cultural revival helped to foster a sense of national identity and pride among Africans.

7. Formation of Political Parties: The formation of political parties and organized nationalist movements provided a platform for Africans to unite and collectively fight for independence.

8. Missionary Activities: Missionary activities introduced Western education and taught subjects like history, which exposed Africans to the liberation struggles of other peoples. This education helped to raise awareness and inspire nationalist movements.

9. Role of the mass media: Nationalist used the press in form of magazines, newspapers etc. and radio to disseminate nationalistic propagandas. In Ghana Nkrumah introduced “Accra evening time” a local newspaper to sensitize people against British rule while in Uganda local newspapers like Munno, Uganda eyogera and others were used.

10. The 1952 Egyptian revolution: The success of the revolution to overthrow of Farouk and foreign domination in Egypt provided an inspiration to other African Nationalists to rise against the whites in their respective countries.

11. Formation of OAU in 1963: it was used to campaign for independence and against Apartheid for South Africa and other countries.

12. Formation of commonwealth: This voluntary organization of former colonies of Britain was used by nationalist such as Nyerere, Obote and Nkrumah to condemn colonialism and demand for independence.

13. The role of music and drama: music and drama were used to disseminate nationalistic ideas. For instance, Lucky Dube inspired Africans to struggle for independence in South Africa.

External factors that promoted the development of modern African Nationalism

Several external factors played a significant role in promoting the development of modern African nationalism.

1.   Influence of Western Education through Scholarships and Study Abroad: Many African students received scholarships to study in Europe and America, where they were exposed to liberal and democratic ideas. Upon returning to Africa, these educated elites began to question colonial rule and advocate for self-governance.

2.   Impact of World War I and II: The wars weakened European colonial powers and demonstrated the possibility of defeating powerful nations. African soldiers who fought in these wars also returned with new perspectives and a desire for independence.

3.   Russian Revolution of 1917/Communist Ideals: The success of the Russian Revolution provided a model of anti-imperialist struggle. The Marxist-Leninist analysis of society and revolutionary armed struggle inspired many African nationalists.

4.   Support from the Soviet Union: The Soviet Union provided ideological support, training, and material aid to African liberation movements. This support bolstered the confidence of African nationalists in their struggle against imperialism.

5.   Global Decolonization Movements: The decolonization movements in Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America served as inspiration for African nationalists. The success of these movements showed that independence was achievable.

6.   Role of International Organizations such as United Nations: The United Nations and other international bodies supported the principle of self-determination and provided a platform for African leaders to voice their demands for independence.

7.   Economic Pressures on Colonial Powers: The economic challenges faced by European colonial powers after World War II made it difficult for them to maintain control over their colonies. This economic strain contributed to the push for decolonization.

8.   The victory of labour Party in Britain 1945: This condemned forced labour and supported the granting of independence to British colonies.

These internal factors, combined with external influences, played a crucial role in the development of modern African nationalism and the eventual decolonization of the continent.

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