Measures to reduce dualism in developing countries

Measures to reduce dualism in developing countries



  1. Use of appropriate technology.  That is production   techniques   used should be in line with the social and economic requirements   of the society.
  2. Delocalization of industries to reduce on the problems of regional   imbalances   resulting   from concentration   of industries   in urban areas.
  3. Implementing rural development programs such as rural   electrification,    rural infrastructural development   etc. to control rural urban migration.
  4. Monetization of the economy to reduce on the subsistence sector through   modernization    and commercialization    of agriculture.
  5. Providing free education.   For   example    universal    primary    education    (UPE)    and   universal secondary education (USE) to reduce on social – cultural dualism.                           ,
  6. Use of progressive taxation to check on income inequalities between the rich and the poor.
  7. Land reform policy. For example  land  consolidation,    land  redistribution    etc. aimed  at changing the land tenure  system  to enable  the landless  to have  access  and rights  over  ownership  of land.
  8. Economic diversification. This is aimed at producing   a variety of products   for exports to reduce international   dualism.
  9. Widening markets through economic integration so as to promote   trade in the economy.

10. Political stability. This is aimed at promoting   investments   and production   of goods  and  services in  the  country   and  reducing   on  the  expenditure   incurred   in  importing   fire  arms from  foreign countries.

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