10 Merits (positive implications) of Technology transfer

10 Merits (positive implications) of Technology transfer


  1. It helps to bridge the technological gap in developing countries. The local people   learn and adopt   the imported   modem   production    techniques    hence   improving    on their   efficiency    in production.   This leads to the production   of better quality goods and services.
  2. It helps   to create a class of modern   business   entrepreneurs.   Through    foreign    direct investments,   people in developing   countries   can have access to technical   and managerial    skills required to operate modem business enterprises.   For example doing business on internet.
  3. It leads to the development of social and economic infrastructure. Technology     transfer promotes   the use modem   equipments   in road construction,    schools, hotels, hospitals,    financial institutions   etc. For example the; use of computers in schools and financial institutions.
  4. It encourages competition in the local business activities.  Technology    transfer    promotes competition   and this leads to efficiency   in production   of goods and service delivery   at reduced prices hence better standards of living.  For example the mobile telephone industry.
  5. It increases efficiency in resource allocation.  Technology    transfer   encourages    the   use   of efficient   techniques   of  production   which  leads  to  the  production    of  more  quality   goods   and services  hence  better  standards  of living.
  6. It promotes the exploitation and utilization of the local idle resources. This helps to improve on the productive   capacities in the economy hence economic   growth and development.
  7. It promotes industrial development. Technology   transfer by foreign investors   is used to set up heavy and sophisticated   industries like iron and steel industries,   electrical installations   etc.
  8. It increases capital inflow in the country. Technology   transfer   by foreign   investors   leads   to capital inflow in form of machines   and other capital equipments   needed for development.    This helps to fill the savings- investment   gap in developing   countries.
  9. It helps to reduce the balance of payment problems in the country. This is because  technology transfer  increases  the production   of better  quality  goods  and  services  for export  hence  increased export  earnings.
  10. It promotes international ties and relations between developed  and developing   countries.   This enhances  mutual  understandings   among  countries.
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