14 Advantages/Merits/reasons for adoption of capital intensive technology

14 Advantages/Merits/reasons for adoption of capital intensive technology

  1. It leads to the production of better quality goods and services in the economy.  Such  products are internationally    competitive   and  fetch  high  prices  on the world  market  hence  better  terms  of trade  for the country.
  2. It increases the productivity and efficiency of other factors  of production    especially    labour. This leads  to increase  in output  produced  hence  high rates  of economic   growth.
  3. It facilitates   the exploitation and utilization of the local resources.  This helps to improve   on the productive   capacities in the economy hence economic growth and development.
  4. It enhances development of skills in the economy. This is because  it encourages   research   and development   which leads to skill formation and management   training.
  5. It helps   to modernize and standardize output especially   from the agricultural   sector.  This is in form of processing   and better packaging   of output necessary   to meet international   standards
  6. It increases and stabilizes employment opportunities in the long run. This is due  to increased resource   utilization   and  mass  production   which   generates   employment    opportunities    in  other sectors  of the economy  through  the multiplier  process.
  7. It facilitates the development of social and economic over heads. Capital intensive  technology promotes   the development   of the social and economic   infrastructures    in form of roads, schools, hospitals,   financial institutions   etc. so as to facilitate production   and trade in the economy.
  8. It facilitates    technological   development   in   the   country.   Capital    intensive     technology encourages    the   use   of modem    production    techniques    through    inventions,    innovations     and technology   transfer.  This increases efficiency in    production.
  9. It leads to better standards of living. Capital intensive   technology   leads to the production   of a variety of high quality goods and services in the economy.  This widens the choice of consumers at reduced prices hence better standards of living.
  10. It allows an economy to undertake heavy and complicated production where labour intensive technology    cannot   manage.    For   example   heavy   engineering    and   manufacturing     activities, mining etc.
  11. It is appropriate in countries where labour is scarce and expensive. This helps to minimize the wage bill and labour unrests.                                                                                                             .
  12. It improves the balance of payment position of the country. Capital   intensive   technology increases the production   of high quality goods and services for exports through value addition. Such goods compete favorably   on the world market hence increasing   the export earnings of the country.
  13. It encourages mass production in the economy. This is because it makes it possible to achieve high rates of investment hence economic growth development.
  14. It is time saving  as compared  to labour  intensive  techniques  of production,   For  example comparing  the time taken  to use a tractor  to plough  a given piece  of land  instead   of using  labour which  is ‘also difficult  to supervise
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